Tuesday 17 March 2015

Mother Politics

Thanks sir. it is a wonderful reading. Actually the RSS people are branded as Fundamentalist and their statements are taken on that face value only.We should somehow get a copy of the "TIME'.
Really thankful to you sir. regards.

S C Jindal
Regional Manager (retd) (LIC Of India)

On 15 March 2015 at 20:40, Subhash Jindal <> wrote
         you may like to read it.
         S C Jindal
         Regional Manager (retd) (LIC Of India)---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jai Dar <>
Date: 14 March 2015 at 23:00
I received this with the opener "Forwarded as received with no comments."
However, I must say the facts brought out, if true, are surely eye-openers!
Ashim &
Gopalan V
Mother Politics
(This is a MaxiPost)
Savita Halappanavar died in Ireland in November 2012; she was only 31. She died of a pregnancy complication. Tests showed that she would lose her baby. The doctors refused to operate and abort the pregnancy. Her condition worsened and the baby died in her womb. Few days later Savita died of Septicaemia. She died when she could have been saved. She died because of stupid religion-based laws. They knowingly killed her. This is despite Ireland’s Supreme Court ruling in 1992 that abortion should be allowed if the mother’s life was in danger but the law was never changed. Savita was a victim of Catholic fundamentalists.

"If you want to sell a lie, you get the press to sell it for you”.

That’s a famous line from the movie “Argo” and it has been true for decades now. The press and media exist to sell you lies; to sell you myths. Countries like England and the Catholic world were going through an acute shortage of heroes in the late 20th century. The Pope’s power had declined dramatically. Even David Beckham was more of a marketing phenomenon than a great footballer. While he is a decent footballer, Beckham was a major flop in the international stage, especially World Cups. Records show that he had more teenage girls as fans rather than football-crazy people. Beckham was sometimes called the Anna Kournikova of football because she made more money from endorsements without ever winning a WTA tournament in her life. The Mother Teresamyth too was built by none other than the media.

How did this MT myth and lies start? A mundane coincidence with a new kind of camera film sets off a bogus miracle: “We think it started with a movie shoot (which became the documentary Something Beautiful For God), led by Mr (Malcolm) Muggeridge. He went to Calcutta to see Mother Teresa and her work there. He wanted to film in the house of the dying and then there was little light there. So, the cameraman, Mr (Ken) McMillan, he used a new kind of Kodak film. When they saw the film, the shots were bright and when Mr Muggeridge saw it, he claimed it was a miracle. This is why she became popular in the media after that time”.

There you go; the Catholic world had a new star, a new hero. And then hordes of evangelists and media from across the world would descend on the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta to meet the miracle lady. Because the West said so, our stupid Indian govts and Sickulars also passed off the lady as a miracle-worker. So recently when RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat made an off-hand remark that the motive for MT’s service was not merely service but religious conversion it set off another stupid storm in our media and Sickular political circles. I applaud Narendra Modi and the BJP staying away from this stupid controversy. Because the truth simply is that MT didn’t care about saving the poor or the dying. She just picked up the poor and dying from the streets of Calcutta, baptized them and helped them die. I am not aware of inmates of her charity being provided medical help or proper medicines in-house. Her sick-hall had only stretchers. Once an inmate got on to that stretcher he or she never got back up but was only carried to the grave.

However, because MT had been turned into a hero by the West money started pouring in – billions of dollars of money. With this money MT opened up 500 of charity branches across the world. Even with so much money I am unaware of her charity providing basic medical services to her inmates. Where did all the money go? Your guess is as good as mine. Within a decade of that Kodak-film miracle, MT was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. More celebrity-hood and saint-hood! The bogus miracle and myth now becomes beyond question. You CANNOT touch her. You CANNOT doubt her. You CANNOT ask any questions about her. Lies can be peddled easily; truth takes a while longer to come out. Dr Aroop Chatterjee was among the first to talk about the bogus tales about MT (he had first-hand experience of MT’s missionary) and based on his book another investigation followed. This investigation was by none other than the articulate, master of reason – Christopher Hitchens.

Hitchens called MT a “fanatic and a fraud”. His arguments and evidence are strongly persuading. He produced a documentary called “Hell’s Angel” which totally exposes MT as nothing more than a fraud, a political ambassador of the Catholic bosses and anti-birth control, anti-abortion campaigner. From the time MT acquired fame she had become more of a politician than a service-provider for the sick. Since the documentary by Hitchens and his book “The Missionary Position” more people were willing to come out in the open and talk about the myth called MT. Here is someone with a first-hand account; he claims to be a former AsiaWeek reporter:

Baptizing the sick and the helpless, helping them die as good Christians. In other words, MT helped the sick and dying meet the Lord faster than they would have if they had received some medical treatment. It is possible some could have survived if proper treatment had been provided. I would give her credit for allowing the sick to die with some dignity. So where was Mohan Bhagwat wrong when he alluded the motive of MT’s was conversion? He was absolutely right and in inadvertently bringing up the issue has only helped educate more Indians about the truth about MT. Following the Hitchens documentary and book TIMEmagazine also ran a cover story on the shady secrets of MT. One particular testimony of a former worker in response to his book is quite chilling. Here’s an excerpt from comments by Sheila Mclaren:

I worked for M Teresa in a compound just outside Calcutta... The compound housed about 300 ill and abandoned children, most of whom had been found on the streets or left at the gates of the compound. About 30 mentally disabled children were in a house away from the rest, and I this was where I worked on a daily basis. The heat was stifling; none of the ceiling fans were in working condition. There were no mosquito nets for the children, many of whom had malaria in repeating cycles. I paid special attention to a ten year-old girl with a terribly high fever, and searched the compound for a fan and/or ice to cool her. Eventually I found one refrigerator of 9 cubic feet with a tiny try of ice, and a small electric fan, both in the "parlour" for visitors. The fan did not work, and by the time I'd carried the ice through the heat back to Minu, the child, it had melted. I began asking questions, about medications, cooling facilities, mosquito nets. The Sisters explained carefully to me that they had taken a vow of poverty, and that therefore they did not use any of these "luxuries; that mine was the "western" way which did not apply in their Order. The children were there to die, and they would be loved until their deaths...

The next thing I found was that mentally disabled children are untouchable: no physician would visit them. One Doctor did visit. He was a British psychiatrist practising in the city who came to our building on a fortnightly basis, handing out various tranquillizers and what I imagined to be stabilizing medications… The Sisters did not give the medicines to the children, and laughed at me when I took it upon myself to do so… they were simply amused at my western ways, at my thinking I could and should keep these children alive. Following all this, I made other discoveries in the course of my work: Injection needles, as mentioned in the above review, were used again and again. Even more horrifying was what happened with vials of distilled water for the mixing of meds: a band-aid was placed over the broken vial containing half its original quantity of water. I questioned this and received the usual answer: Our Vow of Poverty. I said tremulously that used distilled water stored in a dusty cupboard would cause septicaemia when injected. They listened cheerfully, and equally cheerfully quoted the Vow of Poverty. A number of children died of septicaemia”.

MT neither loved the poor and sick nor children. She just loved poverty and wanted them to die as Christians. What could possibly be more perverted and sinister than this? Even the govts of Bengal and the GOI allowed all this to pass when the least they could have done is to insist certain minimum measures of medical treatment. MT wasn’t short of money as it kept pouring in truckloads since she became famous and after her Nobel prize. And was MT practicing conversionAbsolutely yes! Her charity was neither free nor selfless. First hand testimony I quoted earlier shows her process of conversion. But even without that, the very purpose and mission of a missionary undertaking charity is nothing but evangelism and conversion. The Pope defines it as such. Therefore, Bhagwat’s comment is 100% on the mark. So why are our Sickulars and our media pimps upset? It’s simple – Truth hurtsTruth destroys carefully crafted lies and myths of decades. The Sickulars will fight hard to perpetuate their lies as this time-share on Arnab’s debate on the topic shows. Note carefully the headline; the channel and anchor seek condemnation of Bhagwat, not a debate. That being the motive of the anchor he allots time based on who follows that diktat of his:

All the channels held similar bogus debates with not one channel having the courage to refer to the expose by Aroop Chatterjee, Christopher Hitchens, Lancet or Canadian researchers. MT peddled her Catholic political crusade in Europe and Latin America. She supported murderous and corrupt regimes in Haiti and other small countries. Her visits weren’t of any social nature but political interventions and lectures on behalf of the Vatican. She had no problems taking stolen money from American fraudster Charles Keating. When he was being prosecuted she nonchalantly pleaded for mercy for him. She wrote to the judge stating she didn’t bother where her money came from. Even so, where all the money went, nobody knows. MT flew in private jets and choppers, spent millions worth on her own treatment in the best hospitals but I’m unaware of any of her inmates being given decent medical treatment for their ailments. They were just meant to die as Christians. That was their only salvation. Jesus would love that?

It’s all out there and I don’t have to put up links to the thousands of pages of material now available on the topic. The fraudulent TV debates had a StreisandEffect. The more they indulged in bogus debates the more SM put out endless dossiers on the life and work of MT. It helped to educate those who still thought she was a saintly icon and discovered her work was not all that glorious or worthy of such widespread adulation and recognition. The Sickulars in the media do realise they lost this battle. Nothing expresses it better than this tweet by street-thug Rajdeep Sardesai who tries his monkey-balancing act when cornered:

What sundry media pimp Rajdeep doesn't tell you - RSS don't seek to convert people they save during calamities. The Evangelists did not spare even the ones they helped during the Tsunami - They made conversion a precondition. The audacious nonsense of our media pimps and political Sickulars is that they and their Western handlers want all the freedom to question Hindu icons. They will trash Lords Ram, Krishna, Shiva; they will address Hindu Gurus with no respect and call them by first names. They will trash Hindu customs and rituals but they will applaud so-called bogus miracles and practices of the Church and their icons like MT. It takes money to sell lies, truth is free. The Western money propels the lies of our media Sickos but now SM trashes their lies with ease. Here’s an edited excerpt from Hitchens’ ‘Hell’s Angel’ (6.12 mins):

Those claiming to serve the poor and needy often morph into politicians easily. They achieve some recognition and become what they promised that they would never become. In recent times we have Kejriwal, Medha Patkar, Anna Hazare who are openly political. Mother Teresa was just a covert politician for the Vatican. With great Catholic arrogance Mother Teresa announces Ireland will never have a single abortion. Is she a policy maker? And Mother Politics has the power to dictate what Ireland will or will not do? It’s the likes of her that have caused Catholic women sorrow when they had troubled pregnancies. A major failure! In August 2013 Ireland carried out its first legal abortion.

Who changed that country? Not Mother Teresa but a young woman who had to die to change their stupid laws – Savita Halappanavar. A young woman with no Nobel or millions in her bank. It is unfortunate Savita died but she has paved the way for many women who might face a similar situation to be saved rather than be killed. Was MT a fraud? Hitchens thinks so. But if you measure MT by her own goals and admissions she wasn’t a fraud. She just wanted to serve Jesus and wanted the sick and the helpless to die as a Christian and hold them till they die. She becomes a fraud only when she’s measured by the fake adulation and iconic status bestowed upon her by sick politicians, corrupt Church officials and corrupt Sickos in media. Practically, Mother Teresa was as much Mother Politics as any religious climber funded by extraordinary money.