Dear Sri Niraj Agarwal, Pending
Problems of Pensioners
has reference to my teletalk with you a few days back.
1) We appreciate LIC’s forward thinking in crystallising Family Floater Policy wef 1/7/2014 ,which we
pensioners had demanded & included in Charter of Demands Booklet ,24
pages,titled Our Expectations : Health, Happiness & Harmony, presented to
Chairman, MD, ED(Per), Chief P & Secretary P
in November ,2012.
i) While thanking LIC for universal Cashless Service introduced &
also marginal 10% reduction in mediclaim
premium,I pointed out that Refund of excess
premium paid has still not taken place.the Programme for premium refund for
Employees came to ZO 10/12 days before but still Programme for refund for
Pensioners ,in spite of vigorous followup has not reached ZO/Dos.It will
be anamolous that Employees get refund alongwith Salary on Monday 1st
June 2015,while Pensioners may not. Please expedite.In fact ,we prepared the
Mediclaim Refund Ready Reckoner immediately after CO Circular was received
& circulated to our members by 20thApril,2015
ii) While on this, I made a fervent request to you ,that for
some valid reasons, Pensioners, aged as they are , many go abroad to be with
their siblings for few months, sometimes LIC Pension disbursing Office letters
are not received,Family Pensioners many are even ignorant of salient provisions,some are indeed too old
& none to help,pathetic indeed, & so what for years & years we have
been sincerely & seriously
insisting,which CO Personnel Dept orally realized the truth of the statement
that ,as in the case of Employees ,mediclaim premium deductions can take place
every month from Pension amount.
SZO has standard practice for years ,that of
deduction from pension amount in 3 months, all over by Dec/Jan/Feb so that on
1/3 Full deductions are over.All along it has gone on well, accounting done
prevents LIC CO not to take a positive & empathetic decision, we do not
know.I PLEAD with your goodself to finalise solution to this real issue once
for all, so that as of now, when some pensioners go out of the Scheme, valuable
risk cover is lost & such things cannot happen,when this procedure is finalized.SCZ
does it in 2 instalments,Other Zones we are not aware.We shall be highly obliged if it can be
made uniform .deduction in 4 instalments, as in many cases, because of low
pension, Net Pension will be too low after such deductions.
iii) This leads to the corollary of
LIC extending help to all for a One Time Option for reinduction. More so,after FFPolicy & introduction of Cashless
facility for hospitalization, there is a dire need for pensioners to get back to
the FFPolicy & with deductions of mediclaim premium in 4 instalments, the
Optional Sum Assured chosen will be protected. We shall be eternally grateful to you for this kind act of
yours,which we eagerly await with optimism.
iv)a) I
brought to your notice that TPAs
devise their Claim Forms which are complicated,very detailed with micro
particulars as against LIC Mediclaim Insurance Policy Claim Form, 1 page, so
simple, so easy to fill up & complete, & all along for years & decades
stood the test of time, Why should TPA impose themselves on LIC instead of LIC democratically imposing on
TPA for judicious use, employees & pensioners must be at ease to fulfil
conditions with due respect but not such a complicated Form ,2 long Pages,our LIC
Form with 12 details required,present Format by TPA divided into many Sections
with 73 details , Part A with 39, Part B 34.Many columns are complicated to
answer. Everything appears to be in favour
of TPA.It is likely that claims will be delayed or sanction reduced
substantially.This TPA is MD India Health Services & earmarked for NZ,WZ,
CO & CZ.They can cause havoc.PLEASE SEE that TPAs shall not introduce claim
b) Claim Form Part B to be filled
by the Hospital also is so detailed, runs into 2 Pages.All along, here too,LIC Form
for Hospital was simple,relevant to the core, contained all vital data.
EVEN.Guidance for filling Claim
Form Part A by insured is a full 1 page,
So too,Guidance for filling
Claim Form –Part B ,to be filled by the Hospital is itself 1 page
Your Dept will have all sets of
Claim Forms.
I may stress that before it is too
late,in the interests of employees & pensioners,Uniform Claim Form Part A
for insured & Uniform Claim Form Part B for Hospital & preferably the
Existing ones, to which all of us are accustomed must continue & TPAs duly
informed to follow & implement the same.
v) After a useful & productive meeting with then Chairman
Sri D.K.Mehrotra for 45 minutes in Conference Hall,Yogakshema,CO Circulars affecting employees & pensioners &
related issues,such CO circulars are being flashed by email immediately to the
Assn Representatives. Sri Sanjay Gupta ,AO Personnel was adhering to this
vi) I portrayed the
picture of non-availability of Data on pensioners
on an All India basis,a sad position.Actually all ZOs consolidate &
send to CO various Statements.We want All India Regular Pensioners, Family Pensioners,
Exgratia Retirees Zonewise/Division wise with Totals & for CO. We got
such a Statement as on 31/8/2013,that too Excluding CZ.
Please help us with All India data of RP,FP,ExGratia
Retirees as at 31/3/2014,30/9/2014 & if possible 31/3/2015.In fact ZO s
send consolidated Pensioners Statement Pension Payment wise,ECS & other modes & totals which must
tally with total numbers.Also, as SZO has already sent 31/3/2015 Pensioners Valuation
Statement by 15th April 2015
itself, other ZOs also must have complied with provisions.Please treat this as a humble request &
request them to send to my email id rbkseetha @ & , as
sometimes Yahoo creates problems.
It was a pleasure to talk to you.I always read HM Yogakshema
in one sitting.I had all admiration for your Editorials which were captivating
& motivating & embellished with beautiful & memorable quotations
from famous authors.when you were ED (CC)
Greetings & looking forward
to a favourable,empathetic climate towards pensioners
044-2815 5810, ED (Retd), 098403 40591
VP,AIRIEF (All India Retired Insurance Employees Federation)