Friday 4 September 2015


Dear friends,  
I write this with pain & anguish in my heart.It is a pity that select pensioner self styled heroes can go to this extent of hurting everybody, every organisation, their own institution ,that too close on the heels of LIC 1 September Anniversary,59 years of Saga of LIC to our Nation & Motherland. So too, instead of praising Pensioner Fedns, irrespective of merits & efficiency or faults & foibles, as nobody else is there to constitute a Group to address to pensioners issues & grievances. To use sarcasm, to spit poison, to hit below the belt others ,of whatever standing speaks small. I bemoan as same could have been couched in parliamentary language ,shorn of  wrong findings.
We never knew we have historians amongst pensioners.What a narration, what a depiction .What is the timing of this outburst, let them reengineer themselves & their so-called Association, not even Fedn.When some Samaritans have correctly echoed their views that anything negative or critical, anything deficient in so-called thinking & perception on LIC Board Resolution or even Hon SJBhandaris judgement, within few moments, such a writeup, more so ,on the eve of historic sitting of SC Bench on 23 September, 2015 looks uncalled for. When one says that Fedns have their own Agenda & pursue,what is wrong ? Such critics have no locus standi  to downgrade AIRIEF in existence for near 19years & going & growing strong.No other Pensioners Fedn could have done so much,even including so many earlier positive Court verdicts on pensioners matters,which no other Pensioner Fedn thought of,when ample time was there, indeed yeoman service to the cause of Entire Fraternity of All Groups of Pensioners.

                Pensioners Fedn simply tend to ignore pensioners interests, AIRIEF cannot sit idle. TPA Ecards is an example.Lot of personal effort we try to do in a limited way, in times of dire need, & that is so useful to assist the pensioners & relieve him & family.Single track minded advices fade into oblivion.there is no need to recapitulate the achievements of AIRIEF.Sheets of paper are insufficient,we are not exaggerating.
What is on paper ? Other Fedns have nothing to write much  on Paper, we have plenty to do.What needs to be aired & circulated, we do to an extensive audience of pensioners.Even the few inserted in Pensioners' Emails & Feedback,NSEW, in spite of a desire to curtail, that will be doing injustice to those who read, who phone, who write & it goes on to 12/15/18 pages, whatever. We know the quantity, we know the quality.Shortterm legal pundits need not don the role of teachers to teach others. Let them turn the searchlight on themselves & errors,aberrations,blunders & unpardonable Thesis & Slogans promoted adnauseum .Time & again, for years ,even from 1998, then 2000 & 2001 intensification,Loss of Pension Charts,Birth of LIC Board Resn,  eye-opener which paved the way for a clearer understanding & appreciation of TWIN BENEFIT theory.Thro Booklets, articles, dissertations, replying any number to pessimists & cassandras  , we could tide over.It is SUCH UNPARDONABLE SINGLE BENEFIT theory propounders who have to be evicted from the detached, impartial, equitable reasoning & logic of KMLA/AIRIEF ,with data, facts & figures to disprove that Limited theory with Limited benefit & NEVER EVER pensioners can dream to THINK of,let alone battle FOR Pension Upgradation,as many many are very old, aged, infirm,want to hand over the baton to youngsters.So, please abandon the habit of decrying Fedns,they had a wonderful innings, they will have still beautiful work to do & adorn  themselves with credit & glory.When you are not able to search for talents, don't aim or try to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.

                The real question is when you point out an accusing finger  at another, remember one finger points out to you inward & that blemish has 1st to be obliterated before you attain the credentials to voice your criticism.When PGG failed, in spite of my reminders to Release & publish My Reply,I humbly walked out of  Chronicle. I informed all with reason why.I am able to silently devote with many quarters to promote directly & indirectly pensioners welfare & interests.So that is the WORST black mark against Fedns who pretend to be carriers of justice helping pensioners but in reality acting AGAINST their interests. SINGLE greatest Blunder is NOT to attend to PERVASIVE issues & demands of pensioners.We legitimised all these in a distilled form in AIRIEF Booklet COD,Charter of Demands. Many since then are achieved & many more remain & being followed.As rightly said by historian, nonstop on all matters EXCEPT Pension. I thank profusely for that tribute.----That is the real problem with the other 2 Fedns,very little, except through lipserice, ALL EMBRACING issues of pensioners take a backseat.But AIRIEF is not so & cannot be so.

                Will not History portray  ONE BENEFIT ,DR ALONE , proponents against pension upgradation. when ENTIRE WORKFORCE of pensioners in Banks, RBI, OROP for Defence,everywhere, are vying with one another, this RETROGRADE step of voting for DR ONLY, even at the last moment sidetracking  main issue, when a series of HC,SC judgements ,not easy in any reckoning & that cant & wont be forgotten by posterity. It was such a sad performance when Verdicts are treated with gross misinterpretation & trying to fall into the trap of LIC/UOI & coinciding with their line of thinking , which is indeed abominable to be detested with contempt & disdain. Meeting MOF top brass, LIC Top brass to embarrass AIRIEF is really to subvert Justice, twist the tale of success thro saga of sacrifice ,not for years but decades.There is nothing like a defacto or dejure in our federation. We knew glimpses of small group meet at Chennai. To climb the pinnacle of  Victory is arduous  but aiding to slip  down the hill to drain is easy,that is what the 2 other Fedns have done & are trying to do.The meandering course of judicial process involves  certainly labour, money, strenuous preparations, browsing 100s of pages & documents,plethora of applications, writs, appeal counter, review counter, affidavits,Counter affidavits,  Interim Applications, many other needed legal interventions & processes,which critics easily forget,shouldering  tremendous responsibility,even the desire to fail can never ,even as an iota  occur, processes  which are costly,apart from travel, incidentals etc. AIRIEF has met with a reasonable degree of success ,with justifiable pride & without  even a faint exaggeration, we can say  endeavoured our best to bestow  as many benefits as possible & made pensioners lives certainly more happy & liveable than hitherto  & all with tremendous degree of focus & concentration.
                What a pity ,one falls & emulates the famous Indian character & Pharisaical temper ,which believes itself to be impregnably in the right & its opponents to be indubitably in the wrong. AIRIEF  OBs never like their position, but we OBs love our disposition. We never care for any Title but unswervingly regard ourselves as humble servants to serve pensioners, or else at this age why assume position or called upon to serve,agree  with all their heart  & bring  glory to AIRIEF ?
                One cannot understand why somebody should fathom deep as a CBI to say that the Regional satrap has no clue of what is happening  in that crucial area of legal processing or strategy.When all these years,a fair degree of coordination & exchange of ideas & thoughts had taken place,attained success so far ,that stream or fountain cannot dry up so soon.Let it be understood that enough inputs are given, supplemented,discussed, &corrected .Legal process or strategy cannot be equated with a running commentary as in cricket to be aired every now & then ,but unassailable case laws, logic,constitutional provisions,our own pension provisions etc are weighed  adequately & real plan & strategy gets solidified after talks in-depth with Sr Counsel, which was also done for quite some duration  recently. Further to think & narrate ,using words like –lure, promising moon etc  is sheer nonsense.Not even an iota of suspicion or doubt can be embedded in minds & hearts of pensioners,who voluntarily paid donations. All know how hard it is to collect even yearly  or life subscriptions ,or House Magazine which perhaps none can boast except AIRIEF & we have a promising Website,which even at this age can educate,motivate & make us all endearing & not inimical or dingdong  hits,let alone donations.
Enough progress & substantial elucidation,with so many valuable inputs processed also absorbed emit optimism with realism on many counts so assiduously & painstakingly prepared. AIRIEF never added any unwanted aphorisms but truthfully defended the rationale & logic of Twin Benefits & positive cascading effect of pension revision with every wage revision. If this is promising moon, let that be,but when one achieves the same, it ceases to be moon but down to earth, which AIRIEF proclaims in theory & practice.Nobody is left high & dry. Pathetic setback in dealing with CGH CCP need not force any to shower profuse abuse. Nobody wishes failure. Similarly,One upmanship or claiming illusory victory after talks with LIC etc ,is actually a stab on the back & unworthy  behaviour to be outright condemned. Employees Assns do not want to lend support to pensioners ,they  shed crocodile tears,even as humans ,they can't be humane, & never bold & courageous to fully support pensioners demands & present jointly the demands of pensioners with full justification.Till then, this ambivalence will continue with each claiming victory or pooh-poohing efforts or downright criticism, all of which are unfair & unjust.Rightly it was depicted as the unkindest cut of all.
 In the land of the Mahatma & inimitable Abdul Kalam, let us not throw mud, outright abuse Institutions which does productive work in short,medium & long term for enveloping pensioners with many benefits which lifts us all to a higher plane of existence as indeed a free individual with dignified life & living in the twilight of  our  lives. It is so difficult to form an Organisation of Senior Citizens & run them efficiently.To castigate them with epithets, so sarcastic & caustic is the height of stupidity, more so at this critical juncture. AIRIEF which was the ONLY Pensioners Fedn to take up anamolies & grotesque DR & Pension differences  cannot surrender these inviolable concepts which AIRIEF can proudly display & even trumpet ,do not do injustice, AIRIEF is here to ensure that 23 Sep 2015 or whatever , powerful arsenal of arguments  ,with  pep & pride,with force & vitality,less rhetoric & more substance, stress on HC,SC utterances,ensure an enduring victory. Only SC Bench can garner the truth of presentation with sincerity & purpose ,emphasising on violation of Fundamental Rights in Constitution ,with adequate sprinkling of vital paras & pages of Hon SJ Bhandaris elucidation, while finally admitting BOTH Writs enabled Pensioners to look beyond their nose,to use right brain creativity & to convert dream into vision & sooner to Reality,which Hon SC Bench shall ,as dispensers of justice & as the APEX Court,atlast ,with Gods Will & Blessings,deliver fully in favour of pensioners releasing them from bondage & freeing them with such protracted litigation lingering & limping along tragedy  to a melodious & mellifluous comedy.
                       ---------  R.B.KISHORE , VP,AIRIEF: 3/9/2015