submitted a letter to LIC management today & pointed out
discrepancies in Promotion postings leading to cancellation.
Suggestions for improvements were also submitted.*
The Executive Director (Personnel),
L.I.C. of India.
Dear Sir,
Re: *Analysis of cancellation of promotions*
Recently, the CO issued orders for cancellation of
promotions in all cadres of Class 1 who have refused promotions. We have
analysed the cancellations in the cadre of AAO to AO in some measure
over the last two years. We have attached the excel sheet with this
letter. Following are our observations on this analysis:-
1. There has been an overall *reduction of 1052 in number of vacancies*over the last year.
2. Percentage wise, this *reduction comes to 44.8%.*
The percentage reduction in vacancies is the highest in the Central
office. In the Zones the reduction is *highest in SCZ(53.4%),* closely
followed by *CZ(53.3%).*
4. The overall percentage of cancellation has almost *doubled from 9.8% to 17.3%.*
5. The percentage of cancellation is the *highest in WZ(33.7%)*while it is the *lowest in SZ(5.1%)*
6. The only Zone where the percentage of cancellation has reduced is CZ. In all other Zones it has increased.
What are the reasons for this grim situation?:-
The number of vacancies has been drastically reduced. On the other
hand, the batch of 2010 was not considered. This double whammy may have
led to the situation where the overall average age of the promotees
went up considerably as compared to the last year. Consequently, as
compared to the last year, the relatively senior officer who was
expecting a posting in & around his division was posted farther.
It is obvious that since the span in the promotion from AO to ADM is
increasing every year, the vacancies have been reduced on paper.
Precious little has been done to overcome this problem.
This year, inexplicably, the CO decided to post AO’s on promotion to
other Zones & even CO. Some of them didnt accept promotion.
*It is clear that promotion has become unattractive &
demotivating*. Little is being done to repair the situation. There is
neither a substantial financial benefit (in most of the cases, a
financial loss) nor a real elevation in status.
In many cases, the promotee officers are deprived of staff quarters
& sometimes, they have to fend for themselves as the office cares
little for them.
6. *Some Zones & divisions, in turn have also not helped the cause by taking a very rigid strategy in posting.*
*The fact that the average of the officers is pushing over 50 should
also be taken into account while posting on promotion.*
Another point in this whole promotion exercise was the span taken to
complete it. In 2015 & 2016, the span was 12 days, whereas this
year it was 17 days. This year the exercise started late. Both in 2015
& 2016, the exercise started on 11th April & ended on 22nd April
whereas this year it started as late as 20th April & ended on 6th
All in all, the overall posting strategy
seems to be failing & hence urgent, long term measures are needed to
improve the situation. We have been harping since long for certain
measures. At the cost of repetition, we reproduce some of our
oft-repeated suggestions & hope that wisdom will prevail:-
*Assured career progression:* - Logically, a codified promotion
policy should have been in place before the Transfer policy. Instead, we
went for a transfer & mobility policy first. This promotion policy
should be framed without any further delay in consultation with the
unions/associations representing Class I & a consensus should be
arrived at.
2. *Promotion on application* must be implemented which will reduce the case of reversion/refusal on promotion.
*Identifying difficult/hard areas of postings:* - Such areas where
the level of difficulty/inconvenience is more should be first
identified. E.g. Audit/Inspection, naxalite infested areas; communally
sensitive areas etc. The transfer norms for the officers posted in such
areas should be relaxed. E.g. if an officer posted outside his home
division is brought back after say three years, an officer posted in
such hard areas should be transferred back after say two years. The
officers posted in such hard areas should also be paid some
inconvenience allowance.
4. *Distance from
home division to be considered instead of change of Zone*: - Distance
from home division should be the criterion while posting on promotion
instead of change of Zone. E.g. Transfer/posting from Belgaum to
Kolhapur or Hyderabad to Nanded may change the Zone but the distance may
not be too much. On the other hand, e.g. posting from Mumbai to Nagpur
may not change the Zone but the distance will be much more.
*Declaring area of posting* :- As in the case of promotion within
Class III, if the tentative areas of posting are declared along with the
number of division-wise vacancies for the promotion from Class III to
Class I, then the aspirants can give specific choices of posting, which
would not only make the task of posting easier for the Personnel
department, but also increase the incidence of accepting promotion &
decrease the number of request transfer applications as most of the
selected employees would be already happy with their posting.
*All Satellite branches should be converted to full-fledged
branches.* The number of main branches can also be increased. This will
help in increasing the vacancies.
7. *HGA to
AAO & AAO to AO should be retained in their respective home division
on promotion. AO to ADM & ADM to DM should be posted in their home
Zone on promotion.*
8. *Running scales for all cadres to avoid frustration on stagnation.*
9. *Pending cases of granting scales, stagnation increment to be released automatically as deferred NGI.*
If for want of vacancies, deserving & eligible officers cannot be
promoted, they should be given the next grade say after 10 years in the
cadre. As it is, the differentiation between the duties of AAO & AO
as well as ADM & DM has thinned. There is no definition of the
specific duties of each cadre.
11. While applying
the staff strength formula, a practical approach has to be followed. On
paper, we may feel that there is an excess of officers in some places.
However, due to the shortage of Class III & Class IV staff, the
officers, particularly in branches, have to perform duties of their
subordinates as well as their own supervisory duties.
there is a scope to increase number of vacancies everywhere, keeping
this aspect in mind. *On the other hand, there should be a massive
recruitment drive in Class III & Class IV to relieve the huge
pressure on the Class I Officers.*
These are some
of our oft-repeated suggestions which we request the management to
implement at the earliest. *We also reiterate our demand of conducting a
two day workshop on the issue of promotion, posting on promotion &
transfer policy with all unions/associations representing Class I
officers.* A consensus emerging out of such an exercise would naturally
be binding on both the parties.
Thanking You,
*Dattaraj Prabhukhanolkar*
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