From: Seetha And Kishore
Sz_pensioncell ; ; Sz_eos
Sent: Friday, 7 February, 2020, 12:25:40 am IST
Subject: Fw: Non payment / Late payment of Pension to the retired employees of our Bank for the month of January, 2020
go through & come to your conclusions how strong Banks Pensioners
Fedns are, how carefully they follow the method of working of Bank
Offices & point out Delay, Irregularities, no sense of urgency or
priority even in Pension credit on due dates, & demand explanation & justice to protect the interests & welfare of all pensioners
You dont want to keep any CHECKLIST of OPERATIONS for 100% Confirmation of Pension credit on 1st .Then
only MIS can lead to SDM/Mgr OS of DOs & each Divn credits on 1st
Categorical & not on assumptions & but on SOLID RULES
Implementation, more so after RBI Notification dt 6 Dec 2019
2)Further, kindly note that Bank Pension is paid to pensioners also on LAST WORKING day
acts elsewhere in Same Financial & service Institutions ,LIC as a
PREMIER orgn must empathetically convey in strong terms of the
desirability for pensioners ALSO to get pension credit on same date as
for employees,why hesitation ,is not appreciated.
It is the thinking that matters, Modules can in any way be constructed by IT experts plenty in LIC
3)Quite a few ZOs & DOs ensured credit on 1st irrespective of a Holiday or bank strike day etc
But, underlying MANAGERIAL
Effectiveness demands the simple Followup & the sturdy mind in
advance to anticipate area of concern & problem & avoid likely
traps & delays which severely hurts pensioners ,as this BANK
Pensioners Fedn writes to CEO,vividly.
say on the basis of presumption DOs would have done OR worse Pumping of
all pensioners data on last Working day from pension cell to F&A to
LIC Bank,is done & so all will be taken care of & Bank SMS from
Pensioners bank will come on time, even on 1st Holiday is tall talk, as
we know MANY DOs all over India had not paid on 1st Feb 2020 but 2nd
only belatedly,a violation of Promise & Frustration to Pensioners
await your considered reply& POSITIVE CORRECT CONFIRMATION of ALL
DOs having done their duty & pensioners deservedly getting SMS on
1st as PROOF.
Or else, your
IMAGE would have suffered a dent is what all we can vouchsafe,because
of the aberration of some DOs/Mgr OS, which action has done considerable
damage to pensioners bread & butter
March Sunday,1st APRIL,Yly bank closing, 1May 2020 Labour Day Holidays
Thanking you, TO: Sri R.DHAR,RM (E&OS),SZ
Yours sincerely,
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020, 5:04:35 AM GMT+5:30
Subject: Non payment / Late payment of Pension to the retired employees of our Bank for the month of January, 2020
(Registered under Trade Union Act, 1926 : Registration No.G-6201)
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
E-mail < > < >
Date: 3rd February, 2020
Shri Rajkiran Rai G.,
Union Bank of India,
Central Office,
Non payment / Late payment of Pension to the retired employees of our Bank for the month of January, 2020
Please see the attached letter.
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary,UBREA
As mentioned in the attached Letter
(Registered under Trode Union Act, t926 : Registration No.6-6Ot)
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
through All India Union Bank Retirees Fedn)
-: Qffice t-
403(4), "sodhno Down Town", Neqr Punjob Notionol Bonk, Opp. Alfred High School,
Jubilee chowk, Jowohor Rood, RAJKOT - 360 001 (6uiorot).
'E' moil : < > CelJ z O-94272'O7O?!
Ref:A:2O2O:1O5 Date : 3'd February, 2O2O
Shri Rajkiran Rai G.,
Union Bank of India,
Central Office,
Non payment / Late payment of Pension to the.retired employees of our
Bank for the month of January' 2O2O .
1. Clerical employees, Subordinate Staff and Officers up to Scale III were on
strike on 3l't January and t't February,2O2O. Their salary for the month of
January, 2O2O was credited to their Savings Accounts prior to the days of
2. According to procedure of our Bank, Pension to the retired employees of
our Bank is invariably to be credited on last working day of the month. The
management of our Bank was very well aware of the strike call for 31't
January and l"t February,2O20. Therefore, it was very essential for the
Bank to pay the pension to all on 3oth January,2O2O, which was actual last
3, But our Bank's Central Office had remitted pension amounts to the
branches on 3l"t January,2O2O. In several branches, Branch Heads were
Officers - Scale IV and hence were not on strike. Few of them were very
sincere and hence had credited Pension on 31"t January, 2O2O. For an
example, retirees having their Pension Accounts with Kalawad Road
Branch, Rajkot, had got credits of their Pension on 31't January, 2O2O.
However, in most of the Branches pension was not credited on 31't January
or l"t February, 2O2Ot because either all the staff were on strike during
those two days or the Officers designated as Scale IV and above, working
as Branch Heads, were negligent.
4. To-day i.e. 3'd.February,2O2O was a working day for all. The Branches were
supposed to credit our pension at the commencement of the business
hours. But the pension was credited by several branches very late in the
evening (after 7 p.m.) and that too after constant phone calls by the Office
Bearers of our Association to the Branch Heads and other Officers Staff. For
an example, Race Course Circle Branch had credited pension after 7 p.m.
on 3'd February, 2o2o after our constant pursuance.
5. The worst example is that of Rajkot Main Branch, which has not credited
the pension even on 3'd March, 2O2O. There are about 55 retired employees
and Family Pensioners of our Bank drawing pension through that Branch.
Many of them had frequently visited the Branch to-day for withdrawing
6, As Ex Employees of our Bank, we fully support the strike calls being given
may please be credited atleast on the last actual working day i.e. a
day prior to strike.
b. Appropriate advice may please be given to the Branch Heads /
Oificeis who are not on strike to credit our pension immediately on
receipt of the same from the Central Office.
c. Suitable disciplinary action should be initiated against the Branch
Heads of Rajkot Main Branch and other Branches were pension for
d. The pension was directly credited to our Savings Accounts by the
Central Office till October, 2O19. For the month of November, 2O19, it
was routed through the Branches, as it was essential to obtain Life
Certificates frbm the Pensioners. But Life Certificates are obtained
from all the Pensioners by now. Therefore, it will be better' if the
7.It is hoped that the Central Office management will take due care for the
Bank's retired employees, who had dedicated their three I four decades for
serving the Bank and spouses of those ex employees who are eagerly
waiting for credit of their pensions every month.
8. We are soliciting your proper response to our this very genuine grievance.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully'
General Secretary
(1) The General Manager (P/HR), Union Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai
(2) Field General'Manager, Union Bank of India, Ahmedabad
(3) Regional Head, Union Bank of India, Rajkot' Baroda & Surat
(4) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Race Course Ring Road, Rajkot
(5) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Rajkot Main Branch
(6) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Kalawad Road' Rajkot
(7) Com.R.K.Powar, G.S., All India Union Bank Retirees'Federation, Mumbai
(8) Office Bearers & CC Members of our Association (Please inform us by email,
if airy of the branches under your jurisdiction have not yet credited
(Registered under Trode Union Act, t926 : Registration No.6-6Ot)
(Affiliated to All India Bank Retirees' Federation
through All India Union Bank Retirees Fedn)
-: Qffice t-
403(4), "sodhno Down Town", Neqr Punjob Notionol Bonk, Opp. Alfred High School,
Jubilee chowk, Jowohor Rood, RAJKOT - 360 001 (6uiorot).
'E' moil : < > CelJ z O-94272'O7O?!
Ref:A:2O2O:1O5 Date : 3'd February, 2O2O
Shri Rajkiran Rai G.,
Union Bank of India,
Central Office,
Non payment / Late payment of Pension to the.retired employees of our
Bank for the month of January' 2O2O .
1. Clerical employees, Subordinate Staff and Officers up to Scale III were on
strike on 3l't January and t't February,2O2O. Their salary for the month of
January, 2O2O was credited to their Savings Accounts prior to the days of
2. According to procedure of our Bank, Pension to the retired employees of
our Bank is invariably to be credited on last working day of the month. The
management of our Bank was very well aware of the strike call for 31't
January and l"t February,2O20. Therefore, it was very essential for the
Bank to pay the pension to all on 3oth January,2O2O, which was actual last
working day of the month.
branches on 3l"t January,2O2O. In several branches, Branch Heads were
Officers - Scale IV and hence were not on strike. Few of them were very
sincere and hence had credited Pension on 31"t January, 2O2O. For an
example, retirees having their Pension Accounts with Kalawad Road
Branch, Rajkot, had got credits of their Pension on 31't January, 2O2O.
However, in most of the Branches pension was not credited on 31't January
or l"t February, 2O2Ot because either all the staff were on strike during
those two days or the Officers designated as Scale IV and above, working
as Branch Heads, were negligent.
4. To-day i.e. 3'd.February,2O2O was a working day for all. The Branches were
supposed to credit our pension at the commencement of the business
hours. But the pension was credited by several branches very late in the
evening (after 7 p.m.) and that too after constant phone calls by the Office
Bearers of our Association to the Branch Heads and other Officers Staff. For
an example, Race Course Circle Branch had credited pension after 7 p.m.
on 3'd February, 2o2o after our constant pursuance.
5. The worst example is that of Rajkot Main Branch, which has not credited
the pension even on 3'd March, 2O2O. There are about 55 retired employees
and Family Pensioners of our Bank drawing pension through that Branch.
Many of them had frequently visited the Branch to-day for withdrawing
pension, but in vain.
by United Forum of Bank Unions.
However, please accede to our genuine requests precisely mentioned hereunder.
a. Whenever there is such strike calls at the end of any month, pensionmay please be credited atleast on the last actual working day i.e. a
day prior to strike.
b. Appropriate advice may please be given to the Branch Heads /
Oificeis who are not on strike to credit our pension immediately on
receipt of the same from the Central Office.
c. Suitable disciplinary action should be initiated against the Branch
Heads of Rajkot Main Branch and other Branches were pension for
the month of January, 2O2O is not yet credited.
Central Office till October, 2O19. For the month of November, 2O19, it
was routed through the Branches, as it was essential to obtain Life
Certificates frbm the Pensioners. But Life Certificates are obtained
from all the Pensioners by now. Therefore, it will be better' if the
directlv to Savinos Accounts of the Pensioners.
Bank's retired employees, who had dedicated their three I four decades for
serving the Bank and spouses of those ex employees who are eagerly
waiting for credit of their pensions every month.
8. We are soliciting your proper response to our this very genuine grievance.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully'
General Secretary
(1) The General Manager (P/HR), Union Bank of India, Central Office, Mumbai
(2) Field General'Manager, Union Bank of India, Ahmedabad
(3) Regional Head, Union Bank of India, Rajkot' Baroda & Surat
(4) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Race Course Ring Road, Rajkot
(5) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Rajkot Main Branch
(6) Branch Head, Union Bank of India, Kalawad Road' Rajkot
(7) Com.R.K.Powar, G.S., All India Union Bank Retirees'Federation, Mumbai
(8) Office Bearers & CC Members of our Association (Please inform us by email,
if airy of the branches under your jurisdiction have not yet credited
105 (2) Letter to MD & CEO regarding non credit- late credit of Pension 1.PDF
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