In the Bullet points of NOIP published in your blog, it has been stated that 42000 PF optees got the benefit of one more option for pension (OMOP) from LIC and GI companies from 1/12/2019.
I forward a copy of the RTI reply received by me according to which the following got the benefit of OMOP in 2019-20:
Serving employees of LIC 12085
Number of retirees of LIC 1889
Number of family pensioners of LIC 335
Total 14309
The GI companies' additions would have been much less and hence the total figure of 42000 mentioned in the post is inaccurately exaggerated.
Incidentally, in my view , the various issues taken up by the NOIP have also been taken up by the various other pensioners' Associations and NOIP cannot claim exclusive credit for all the benefits that have accrued on the various issues to the pensioners.
The increase in the rate of family pension notified on 11/9/2023 was also pursued by our Hyderabad Retired Class I Officers' Association and other Associations as well.Mr Anand Tyagi was constantly following up with the DFS at the personal level and broke the news of approval by FM even before the Notification late on the night of 11/9/2023.
So let us recognize that all Pensioners' Associations are pursuing the issues of common interest to LIC pensioners.Some Associations may not give much publicity to their efforts but might have silently made things happen.
Of course , I fully appreciate the efforts made by NOIP on the various issues of concern for LIC pensioners by frequent communications to LIC Management and meetings with DFS officials and Hon'ble FM.
C H Mahadevan
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