- Before the disappointing judgment was delivered by the Delhi High Court on 27/4/2017 on the six Writ Petitions before it, there was an excessive emphasis by the Respondent LIC that if upgradation of pension was to be provided, there would be an additional financial liability to be provided for at about Rs 32000 cr( as at 31/3/2015 as orally stated before the HC Bench by LIC officials) to benefit about 40000 pensioners and about 90000 pension optees in service.( As on date there may be 65000 pensioners who may be eligible for upgradation of pension).
"16. The Insurers shall ensure that their expenses of management are within the allowable limit on the segmental basis. Where an insurer has violated the limits of expenses of management for one or more segments but is overall compliant with the limits, the excess of such expenses shall be borne by the Shareholders.
Action for Non-compliance
17. Any violation of the limits on overall basis or the directions issued by the Authority in this regard may entail one or more of the following actions:
(1) Excess to be charged to Shareholders' Account;.........."
The Regulations of 2016 were repealed by the Gazette Notification dated 31/3/2023 on the same subject. The relevant stipulations on limits of limits of expenses of management are as follows:
"Additional compliance:
17. In case an insurer exceeds the limits of expenses as specified in these regulations; in case of participating policies or non-participating policies (including Linked) policies on an overall basis or is not in compliance with the directions issued by the Authority in this regard, it may be subject to one or more of the following actions: (1) Excess to be charged to Profit & Loss Account;………."
In the repealed earlier regulations, it was stipulated that any excess over the allowable limit on expenses should be charged to the Shareholders' Account. In the latest Notification dated 31/3/2023, it has been stated that the excess over allowable limit on expenses should be charged to the Profit & Loss Account.
As seen from the Annual Reports upto FY 2023-24, the following amounts have been charged to the P & L Account:
FY Towards Excess Expenses
of Management (Rs Cr)
2021-22 9.4245
2022-23 9.365
2023-24 12.98
The Rule 5(3) of LICEP Rules 1995 states "
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