OBITUARY: Our 7th Petitioner at Punjab & Haryana High Court Departs Today
Dear Friends,
Whereas LIC under directions from GOI continues to harass its ex employees or pensioners to deny them their dues during their life time despite favorable verdicts from three high courts and supreme court order dated 07.05.2015, 7th petitioner namely Sh. S.K.Jatana resident of Panchkula at Punjab & Haryana High Court Chandigarh out of total 31 departs for his final journey today evening without getting any justice during his life time like six other petitioners being S/Sh. M.L.Gandhi, Harkirat Singh . A.S.Majha, D.C.Bhardwaj ,P.C.Chopra,and R.K.Singla. May God grant peace to all the seven noble souls and wisdom to GOI /L.IC. to rethink their action of treating its ex LIC employees and senior citizens very unfairly.