A man walks into a local
pharmacy while laughing hysterically. He asks for 2 condoms, and, still
laughing, pays the pharmacist and walks out. The pharmacist is intrigued
and curious about this odd behavior, but doesn't give it too much
thought. However, the next day it happens again, the same man walks in
laughing hysterically, orders 2 condoms, still laughing, pays the
pharmacist and walks out laughing.
The pharmacist remembers the
day before and starts to wonder what's up but not for too long because
he has work to do.The next day the same guy walks in laughing
hysterically, orders 2 condoms, still laughing, pays the pharmacist and
walks out laughing.
Now the pharmacist is
perplexed and eager to know what is going on with this guy so he
arranges with his assistant to follow the guy and find out where he is
going, should the man return.
Wouldn't you know it, The same
guy comes back the next day, laughing hysterically, orders 2 condoms,
still laughing, pays the pharmacist and walks out laughing.
The assistant followed him as per his orders and came back 20 minutes later.
"Well," Asks the phramacist, "where did he go?"
"Straight to your house."
Image courtesy of iosphere / freedigitalphotos.net