The world of LIC Pensioners is losing one after another by way of death. NSEW ,North South East West ,we get on & off sad news of some pensioner passing away.Not only the tribe of Family Pensioners is increasing to a very high & disproportionate % to Regular Pensioners,we also know that some Family Pensioners are also dying,with no more any liability for LIC.Whatever it is,when we hear the shocking news of death,many go unreported,that day is indeed a Mourningday.We are able to recall & recapitulate the part played by such apensioner,his role in RIEA & AIRIEF & the contributions he has made to the cause, progress & welfare of pensioners fraternity
It is such a day today as our dear dear Sri TCSrinivasan, EC member, RIEA,Chennai passed away as a result of a fall from bus,it is learnt.Some Samaritan got him admitted verifying papers in his 2 bags,which he always carries as a TrademarkTCS,as he is popularly known in Isabella hospital, Mylapore.Weunderstand he met 2 or 3 pensioners on his way to December famous Music Festival ,Mylapore Fine Arts Society ,which he unfailingly attends every year, apart from another Music Sabha,Tnagar,Vani Mahal & some more.Hospital authorities indicated yesterday late night that condition is critical & remote chance ofsurvival.Today,they sent the body to Royapettah Govt Hospital for post-mortem & he was declared dead.They needed 7signatures,which was duly done by his close relatives, friends & acquaintances.
TCS belongs to an old era of workers,not shirkers.Nooneneed tell him what he has to do.He wanders here & there, goes to pensioners homes,bears responsibility on his own & carries on the crusade as a volunteer & abiding member of RIEA Chennai & a firm, loyal devout of AIRIEF.He is a staunch Unionist of All India Employees' Life Assn,attends all All India meetings, wherever ,allover in India.His scooter is the vehicle for him for mobility & unfortunately Chennai floods deprived him of its use.The greatest tragedy is no one knew,after Friday 18December, 2015,when we had a 100-minute meeting with RMOS & his full team, after we all presented the AIRIEF Memorandum & then with ZM too,he will no longer be withus.Death has snatched away a noble person,an amiable personality.
TCS believes Work is Worship,whether Rs300,500 or 1000,he will place before the pensioners AIRIEFviews,progress,collect Membership Fee,Varistha VaaniSubscription,hand it over to our Treasurer,Sri R.Kannan ,one of the closest friends & well-wishers.TCS is a religious person, a noble Vaishnavite,whenever he comes to my house,he spends good time with me & my wife,Seetha as good wavelength & rapport on spiritual matters they establish.Immediately, he will open his Pandoras bag & hand over a good prasadam to us, soloveable,divine,bhakthi to hearts content.I keep stock pf some useful materials,Varistha Vaani extra copies received from Editor & such other, which he will gladly add to the luggage & without loss of time, distribute it to his friend pensioners.Hespeaks with nostalgia about earlier days, era of executives, friends in all departments, of such good work done in office to help policyholders.He has tremendous capacity of general knowledge & inform us of good scintillating programmes & other impending Festivals. He is agog with achievements of Life Assn & its signal & positive contribution
TCS is short,,slim ,trim,lean & lanky,many ailments afflicthim.Yet, he was undaunted.He was a Bramachari, a bachelor. He joined & retired as Assistant .He is a post-8/1997 retiree, about 73 years old.His one aim was to SERVE & SACRIFICE ,for any larger cause.He attended Bengaluru GC Meeting withgusto.We presented a Special donation collection toRIEA,Bengaluru for smooth conduct of such a big Conference.LIC DO,Chennai & ZO will not have hisrequest,pleadings for early mediclaim settlement et all,which he pursued with fervor & utter devotion & dedication.Heremembered many pensioners by name,an asset quality.,animpeccable Pearl of a human being, full of the milk of humankindness.His death has cast a shadow of gloom & despair amidst all of us.It is a grievous loss for RIEA,Chennai, AIRIEF& entire pensioner community as a loyalist, activist,ventilating issues & grievances & announcing ever so many achievements of AIRIEF with word of mouth publicity.His qualities of head & heart are insuperable.
To his sister & brother-in-law ,a great Sanskrit scholar & a reputed Ahobila Mutt devotee& Vidwan & others with whom he lived all these years, a special word of thanx & our gratitude goes to them for having enabled him to live his world of words & deeds,nurtured him, called him instantly whenever I used to ring him up to inform developments for pensioners, court cases etc.
We miss endearing TCS,his firm,clear voice has vanished into thin air.May the Almighty bless his soul to be in eternal peace. May many more TCS emerge on the horizon to enable pensioners fraternity to live in peace, as ambassadors in thisfruitful legal & other journeys of LIC pensioners to fructify with hope & faith.
Yours Mournfully,