Friday, 15 January 2016


C N Venugopalan
Ex-Manager,   Union Bank of India  and
Former Director ( GOI Nominee) State Bank of Travancore   
Kesari Junction
N Paravoor
Kerala 683 513
Phone: 0484 2447994 Cell:9447747994

No.160116                                                                                                                                                   16th January, 2016
To: All Bankers / Retired Bankers.
Dear Colleagues,
Bank employees in India had been plundered regularly for past three decades.  The rapists include the people who climbed the ladders from the bottom in banks, the Ministers who ruled the industry all along and the veteran leaders of the bank unions/associations.

The bank officer had a pay of Rs.500.00 when the government officer was getting Rs.450.00.  The higher pay was given in awards for the job risk and extended working hours of the bank men.  Rationalisation of pay was thrust on bankers on account of the ethnic prejudice of the government officials, against bank officers, after nationalization.  Pillai Committee Recommendations was implemented in 1979 by intercepting the Bipartite Settlements.  Initial pay of bank officer was fixed at Rs.700.00 so as to peg it down to the level of government officers.  Parity of reasoning required keeping bank pay at least at the level of government officials.   The plight is that the bank officer at junior levels draws a pay and allowance which is lesser by Rs.30,000/- to Rs.40,000/- p.m. than the government officers now.  This is the unique achievement of bank unions for past three and a half decades. 
Bankers are quasi government employees, they work for six days and beyond a week for nation building in a hectic mode when the government official works for five days a week leisurely, do not burden the exchequer as their pay is met out of the profits they make in banks, they help the government implement the policies, they light up the people in all walks of life and pave the way to the growth of all the sectors and yet are given a step-motherly treatment by the government.  The key men who wants to project a rosy picture of their performance plunder the work force that help them perform their work in a hawkish way. The leaders of organizations who wish to accomplish their personal ends join hands with the bosses and surrender the rights of employees, even the statutorily vested ones, after collecting the subscriptions regularly from members. Trade unionism gets redefined as collective surrendering in place of collective bargaining to secure and conserve the rights of members. The ministers who take oath in the name of the magnificent constitution of India, assuring to extend equal treatment to all manner of people, neglected the bankers all along, after accomplishing their ends with the help of the bankers.    
Since pension to the retired are computed on the basis of pay of employees on rolls and bank pay has fallen much below than what it ought to be, retired bankers are very much pushed to the walls and into the netherworld with a meager pittance accruing to them that defeats the intended purpose of pension.  Employees on rolls appear to be on a false notion that if pension is increased, they will be affected.  Pension is paid out of specific fund created for the purpose and will not affect the profits of banks. The government also does not have to make budgetary allocation for paying pension.   Pension Funds of all banks are abounding with resources and can contain four times the present pension paid to the retired. Employees recruited after 01.04.2010 need not be serviced out of pension funds as they are covered by PFRDA Scheme.  Besides, mortality of pensioners is also reducing pension liability of banks.  Though bank pension was agreed to be on the lines of Central Civil Pension and regulation 56 specifically pinpoints that in case of doubt, in the matter of applicability of the regulations, regard may be had to corresponding provisions of Central Civil Service Rules (1971), the basic pension in banks has never been revised with any of the Bipartite Settlements while implementation of each Pay Commission Report automatically results in hike of the pension to government officers.  Precedence shows that in terms of regulation 35, basic pension and additional pension of employees who retired after 1st January, 1986 but before 31st October, 1987 was updated as per a formula given in Appendix-1 to the Pension Scheme.
As Pension Funds of banks are built up with the amounts that were previously payable by banks into CPF pursuant to Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act,1952, Pension Funds constitute the deferred statutory wages of the employees.  It is not banks’ money and is the money of the employees which banks hold in trust.   Non-payment of updated pension is in derogation of statutory pension regulations and deprivation of the already sanctioned rights.  Organisations shall realize the crude fact that pension updation is not a fresh demand, but enforcement of a subordinate legislation for release of the sanctions of the Parliament.   Section 10 (7) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970/1980 permits Boards of a corresponding new bank ( Nationalised banks) to declare a dividend and to retain surplus profits as reserves in its books only after paying / providing adequately to Pension Funds.  Given that the banks are regularly declaring dividends and retaining surplus profits as reserves, and the dividend is applied by the government to part finance the salary and pension bills of the government employees and of the statesmen, bank employees are looted regularly in the past.  Peter got robbed regularly for paying to Paul.  If trade unions fail to stop such exploitation, they are of no use.  While matters like foreign investment, capital infusion, etc. assume place in the charter of demands, why should the organizations shy out in ensuring proper compensation for labour in the industry and in ensuring that the sanctioned benefits in terms of the settlements are given to the members and former members who built up the organizations and a resilient banking system in the country.  Unfortunately, the bank men are duped by the leaders also whose responsibility it is to safeguard the rights of the members.  The leaders appear as loyal to the masters who help them collect the subscriptions and levies regularly and secure to them huge funds through check-off.  The great leader who categorically that the 10th Bipartite Settlement will not be signed unless and until the retiree issues are settled prior to it took a u-turn and subscribed his signature to the  Settlement and Record Note.

History tells us that when pension option was denied to majority of employees, organizations were mute on it.  Even as government gave a direction to IBA on 24.12.1997 vide F No.4/8/4/95-IR ( ) to scrap the clause for forfeiture of past service from the regulation 22 (4) (b) and to give effect to it (which process involved extending a fresh option for pension), organizations did not know that the option had to be given at that time.  When the amendment was circulated by banks as late as in 2002 after keeping it in camera clandestinely for years,  that too without extending an option, organizations were in a sleeping mode and told members that fresh option is not viable in banks. After framing and implementation of the Joint Notes in 2010, the Pension Funds of banks showed an unprecedented growth.  To cite an instance, the Pension Fund of Union Bank of India had a growth of Rs.1,943.34 Crores during 2014-15 and  the benefits paid was only Rs.451.91 Cores.   The payment was a meager 23.25 percent and shows the capacity to pay four times the present pension to all its retirees.   Through the Joint Notes, unlawful   contribution totaling Rs.247.27 Crores was collected from employees on rolls ( Rs. 71.08 Crores) and retired employees (Rs. 176.19 Crores).   After allowing a sum of Rs.500 Crores for refunding the unlawful contribution and interest, there is a residual growth of Rs.5,114.66 Crores  during the past five years. This sum can foot arrears of pension from the date of retirement of employees to the date 26.11.2009  to the tune of Rs.1.67 Crores per capita to its 3,106 retired employees taken into the ambit of pension through the Joint Note. The arrears payable per capita could only be in the range of Rs.20.00 lakhs on the higher side and there is huge sums left in Pension Fund even on paying the arrears.  The fund can be utilized only for payment of pension / family pension and cannot be put to any other use. The case with other public sector banks is also not different and all of them can pay two to three times the present pension to all its employees.
Had the second option been given at the appropriate time, the Pension Funds of all banks  should have doubled or tripled by now. It was sheer executive vandalism and stupendous stupidity of an astounding nature that prevented banks from extending option to employees earlier. Organisations that remained inert on the issue on an apprehension that fresh option was not viable and worked on it only consequent on pressure exerted by me for six long years should apologize to the members for the harm they did to them.  Though they acted on pressure calibrated by me for years together, they were there to take the credit of second option and to collect the levy and contributions from the beneficiaries.
All conclusions in the Joint Note, except extending a fresh option Joint Notes contains conclusion which are prejudicial to what is done earlier under the relative regulations. The conclusion for giving fresh option was a second sanction of the sanction dated 24.12.1997 of the Government. The conclusion to raise the contribution from employees and retired employees prejudice regulations 2 (j) which defines contribution to Pension Fund as any sum paid  by the bank to Pension Fund on behalf of the employee, regulation 5 (3) that stipulates that the bank shall be a contributor to the Fund and shall ensure placement of enough sums in the Fund to enable the trustees to make due payment of the benefits and regulation 11 which stipulates making of additional contribution every year on the basis of an Actuarial valuation of the Fund.  The conclusion to pay pension to all the retired alike from 27.11.2009 irrespective of the date of retirement is in derogation of regulation of regulation 52 (1) which stipulates that pension shall become payable from the date following the date on which an employee retires.  The Board of Banks has, under section19 (1) and (4) of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970/1980  prohibition from making a regulation which prejudice the validity of what is done earlier under a regulation.  Besides, under section19 (4) of the Act, any amendment to a regulation has to be placed in the Houses of the Parliament for 30 days as soon as it is made for the nod of both the Houses.  The covenants of the Joint Notes are such that they cannot be laid in the Parliament and the due procedure for amendment of the Pension Regulations is not yet done albeit lapse of five full years though it had to be placed in the Houses as soon as the amendments are made, say within some three to four months.  The Joint Note dated 27.04.2010 has thus no force of law and got obliterated by itself.  The relative regulations remain the same. It is on the basis of the obliterated Joint Notes that banks unlawfully collected the contribution from employees and retired employees and denied pension to the retired from their date of retirement to  27.11.2009.  The requirement in law spelt out as conclusion No.10 of the Joint Notes, which is breached by banks. Limpidly, the Joint Notes has no force of law
The non-compliance with the due procedure in law is a flagrant breach of the settlement which, any or all of the signatory organizations can singly or jointly take up with the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central ),  demanding to set aside the settlement and also to seek  payment of the pension from the date of retirement to 26.11.2009 in case of the retired and refund of the unlawful contribution raised to the Pension Fund and interest on it from employees on rolls and the retired.  Since the contribution has been earning interest on pension fund investments, banks run no loss on account of this.  One single strike notice on the issue can settle the entire gamut of issues and the Labour Department / Government will be left with no answer.     It is my desire that the leaders of the organization shall not forget the role played by the retired in nurturing the organisations / banks and strive to do justice to them without driving them into the corridors of Courts in the evening of their lives in quest of justice in a hapless state.
The key men of banks bother least when the Kingfisher swoops down and fly away with several crores from banks in a single attempt.  Banks join together and lend at reduced rates to NBFCs albeit the fact that Rs.10,000 Crores lent to such an NBFC for one percent less pinches the system with Rs. 100 Cores a year. Their only concern is that the people who work for them are put to misery and they are keen to plunder them.  While filling their bellies to the tip of their nose, the Executives fail to see the hapless state of the work force and bully them with hard toil and inadequate compensation.   In independent India, IBA carved out a territory of its own and the darkest one where it operates a parallel regime in derogation of the laws of the land created by the Parliament of India.  Public Sector Banks are meant for the persons sitting on top, the elite business men who frequents to swindle banks, the statesmen who wants to manipulate them and for the leaders who built up their empire under the auspices of parties.
One great leader told me some nine years back that whatever I was getting owes to the unions.   I was not getting pension at that time which  I owed  to the union.  Experience tells me that I had to fight against this leader too in my solo battle for a decade to get the meager pension which I am getting now.  What the leader said was rightly applicable to him.  He was getting the salary and allowances not for working for his bank, but for doing the union activity alone.  When the Joint Note giving a fresh option came, its paternity went to the leaders.  Their contribution was the biggest surrender of the statutorily vested rights. They agreed that pension payable from the date of retirement vide regulation 52 (1) shall be paid from 27.11.2009 only and the establishment expenditure which was payable by the bank vide regulation 2 (j), 5(3) and 11 shall be passed on to employees and retired employees through the contribution to Pension Fund.  It is strange that IBA and bank unions agreed on behalf of the retired employees sans their mandate for the forfeiture of their pension from the date of retirement and for the contribution, which again was unlawful.  A gap between the date of retirement and date of commencement is the unique innovation of the great bankers as such a phenomena cannot be seen anywhere in the universe.
If there is any trade unions worth its name and is earnest in the performance of its role, what it should do forthwith is to challenge the Joint Note either with the IBA or Government or in a court of law on the ground that its conclusion No.10 relating to the amendment of the regulation is breached.  This will unsettle the Joint Note and ensure payment of pension to the retired from the date of retirement to 26.11.2009 and refund of the unlawful collection to Pension Fund raised from employees and the retired together with interest.  This is the easiest way of redeeming the statutorily vested rights of the employees / retired employees.  The only thing needed is some grey matter in the skull and courage to enforce the settlements. If settlements are breached, it is adequate ground for giving a strike call. There is no point is signing settlements if they are not enforced in full. Non-payment of up dated pension stipulated under regulation 56 of the subordinate legislation is akin to non-payment of the salary and allowances fixed in the settlement.  If unions feel any helplessness, it is appropriate that they abandon their banners and flags in the Arabian Sea or Bay of Bengal. The leaders shall take cue from the Munnar Plantations where they were abandoned by the women workers and act swiftly to regain lost grounds as otherwise, they may get jettisoned in course of time.
A specimen notice on the issues for submission by organizations, with such modifications as deemed fit, to CLC (C) , IBA. Government etc. is appended for use by interested trade unions in their own interest.
Thanks and Regards.
Yours sincerely,


Regards, E.R.Iyer