--4 pictures for you,AIFPA,RBKishore invited to address Pensioners on Dharna
Respected Sir,
It is a welcome augury that you were invited, on behalf of our AIRIEF, by All India Federation of Pensioners Associations, Chennai, to participate in their mass dharna & slogan raising programs, and address them.We are very much pleased to find that you were able to honour their invitation despite your inconvenience. All of their demands are of vital and just ones and all those demands, more or less, are of ours. You have fulfilled the aspirations of our activists that all the pensioners community should get united to fight for common demands in the coming days. Days may not be far off to witness such congregations.With regards,
, Mar 5, 2016 at 8:33 PM, Ramanujam Kishore <rbkseetha@gmail.com> wrote:
I was invited by Sri KVenkatachari,President, AIFPA,ALLINDIA
of Pensioners ,from near & far, all over, to participate in the Dharna Programme arranged by them ,in a good shamiana .It was packed with nice Slogans, Demands, Anamoiles removal,NPSwithdrawal,adoption of uniform Multiplication factor,Minimum pension/FP Rs15,000, Pension 67% of last pay drawn, FP 50%of last pay,
Addl pension from 75 th year,100% on 90 yrs, OROP to all pensioners from 1/1/2016,FMA to be increased Rs2000pm,CVRestoration on 10 yrs,Health Insc Scheme to all pensioners,
It was for solidarity among all Pensioners Fedns.Distinguished Leaders & Speakers from all walks of life & veteran Trade Union leaders of BSNL. P & T,Other Pensioner Fedns also spoke exhorting for end to delay, vacillation by UOI,7th PC not satisfactory in all respects,Govt
refusing to meet Fedns to listen to suggestions & modifications etc & voice of pensioners not to be muzzled but listened ,to enhance welfare of all pensioners
I spoke for about 30 mts,outlining AIRIEF achievements,salutations to their unity & speaking with one voice & on many common issues & problems,Joint Front to pressurise UOI & Instns/I gave brief of historic legal battle of more than 14 yrs & craved for their prayers
too for final victory on twin benefits,which also briefly I clarified
with examples
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RB Kishore
VP,AIRIEF,ED(Retd),LICLife Member,Probus Club044-2815 5810 & 098 4034 0591.