Dear All,1)You have been closely observing the scenario on all aspects of Pensioners issues & problems being tackled by AIRIEF.Many have adjudged correctly the problems & diagnosed the criticality of Pension Upgradation, as the ONLY complete solution to pensioners problems,It was this, Sri KMLAsthana single-handed realised its gravity,set off his voyage to clinch the issue from 1998 with his writ 6676/1998 .Then came the LIC Board Resolution of 14 November ,2001 with calculated & concentrated strategy by AIRIEF delineated with Loss of Pension Chart ,exposing Anamolies grotesque,multiplied cumulative losses year after year aggravating the quality of life & living of pensioners.LIC Board Resolution was the 1st stepping stone & laid a foundation for further pursuit of our plans to achieve our goal for pensioners progress & welfare. All,irrespective of any affiliations , paid tributes to this achievement ,other Financial & Service organizations & institutions were elated at this development & categorically mentioned that this will further enhance our making inroads with LIC & UOI to secure Full DR for pre-8/1997 pensioners & pension upgradation for all groups of pensioners.
2)Later ,we in AIRIEF began to participate alongwith Sri Asthana,began to climb success after success & all know the spirit of pensioners fraternity so high ,that after some adjournments, SC interim order dt 7/5/2015 spelt payment in continuum & to consider pension upgradation,pensioners hearts melted ,that sooner something in full as being prayed by pensioners will be conferred.No doubt, it went on those lines with fullscale submissions on 31/3/2016,what no one thought happened,the 29 page SC Orders,released after an excruciating period of 7 days,7th April 2016,tagging all cases of Jaipur, Chandigarh & Delhi to Delhi HC Bench who has to dispose of the cases, after new Affidavit or amended writ be filed byus, Counter affidavit by LIC within 3 weeks,& after Summer vacation, 5TH June to 5th July, hearing to take place & a singular judgement by Delhi HC Bench to SC3) When all arguments & submissions were to secure a positive verdict ,after 150 mts of submissions & worthy, telling & striking points in detail ,by our Sr Counsel, Sri Nidish Gupta it so happened that Hon SC Bench issued the Order driving pensioners to a corner ,stating LIC Chairman has no powers, he is controlled by Sec 48 & further aggravated the position by their assertion Board Resolution has to get concurrence of UOI as they have to come under Rules to be framed & placed before Parliament.Nevertheless, SC bench has displayed moderation by striking empathy for pensioners ,granting 40 % IR to all similarly placed pensioners within 6 weeks & LIC has to pay as per Rule 3A of Appendix IV of Pension Rules 1995.It is learnt CO Personnel is busy liasoning with IT Dept & sooner CO Circular to ZO/DOs will reach them to adhere to schedule4)Friends. Nothing is lost.It becomes clear Hon SC Bench immediately did not want to dispose of by a Final order but packed all respective HCs writs to Delhi HC .Ultimately, that Singular judgement will go to SC Bench & then it may need very little time, as Hon SC Bench has already whetted all important issues clearly.Many paras breathe optimism,aged pensioners reality situation, Hon SC Judge has kept in mind ,also criticising LIC for not being graceful to Elders & equally mild reprimand to MOF/UOI for not taking a decision for so long.So, the heart of the matter is implicitly & explicitly clear to them & to us now.5)Important matter which they demanded Delhi HC to litigate was Constitutional validity of Rule 3A of Appendix mainly. Lots of case laws Sri Asthana has quoted in original writ of Jaipur 654/2007 on pension upgradation. ,Sr Counsel Nidish Gupta played a pivotal & stellar role on 31/3/2016 Any loose ends or more explicit or incomplete pleadings as SC has observed will be taken care of. AIRIEF has arranged on 2/5/2016 at Delhi OBs/ Legal Committee meet for intensive & extensive discussions & evolve a workable plan & strategy to clinch the issues in pensioners favour.6)Under the above circumstances, it is desirable any remittance for LEGAL FUND must be sent to AIRIEF . AIRIEF pioneered the Kurukshetra Legal battle for 18 yrs & have delivered very many benefits to all pensioners from time to time regularly.We have an ALL INDIA reach.We are the ONLY Pensioners Fedn comprising ALL CLASSES of EMPLOYEES, CLASS 1,2 3, & 4. We had EC/GC meetings all 18 yrs on dot.We released many Booklets so useful to pensioners.We are the ONLY ONE INSCE PENSIONERS FEDN to have our own WEBSITE decorated with a variety of news, views,writeups, Charts & Tables ,Sri RKsahnis commendable updated Tables on any worthwhile matter of pensioners. Souvenirs, contacts with CO Top Mgt, & many more7) We have radiated all emails regularly. we have solved many individual grievances of pensioners on & off for many years..Glad many have been admiring these & I have been including as many as possible in Pensioners EMails & Feedback Fortnightly. We are indebted to all pensioners for their solicitude to AIRIEF. Life Membership Rs 500,Life Subscriptions for AIRIEF HM Qly Varistha Vaani Rs 750.Now legal Donations from Pensioners & Family Pensioners have to be liberal & significant as all collections,as per GS,AIRIEF would have come to rockbottom,as so many SC sittings were there. Any amount Rs 2500 -10,000 & more, by those who can afford,is worthwhile for the magnitude of efforts put in by AIRIEF & so much to do hereafter in the pending legal battle, Do or Die ,Now or Never situation to become Historic for twin benefits including pension upgradation8)i)Those who retired recently,1/8/2012 & later can really help their senior brethren pensioners, in the critical last stage of historic legal battle, can generously pay Legal Fund donations .PLEASE RESPOND IN A SPORTIVE SPIRIT,WITH A LARGE HEART .ii )Those who got Commuted Value of pension restored in the last few years,can really afford to part with a large size of the cake to help themselves & help those seniors in distress on multiple counts.Please remember we are fighting not only for PRE-8/1997 PENSIONERS but also ALL GROUPS OF PENSIONERS .Should you not reciprocrate with a liberal Legal Fund donation ?iii)Those who retired 1/8/2007—31/7/2012 would not have got unless wage settlement 1/8/2012 –31/7/2017 was cleared.That was a delay of about 42 months,arrears & all retirement benefits. Todays retirement brings in multiple high final settlements & ONE BENEFIT ITSELF would have been equivalent to all combined Retirement benefits of yesteryear aged Seniors Please ponder over this bitter truth &enable them to stand in society with grace & dignity by your worthy liberal Legal Fund donation in this hour of dire need.iv)Many of the pensioners after 31/7/2007must actually enter the field of Pensioners Fedn & actively associate,become OBs,Joint Secretaries,General Secretaries,Dy GS,Vice President & President to captain the mature elderly team of Pensioners fraternity,for who is the BEST ,if not of age 60-70 to be LEADERS & guide the ship of AIRIEF alongwith elders crossed 70,75,80 & above.Friends,many issues are resolved, many more remain to be attended more vigorously, after this Kuruksheta Legal Battle is won.Please empathise & pay magnanimous donation for our Legal Fund to put up a spirited show of genuine ,quality submissions ,as what Hon SC Bench wanted in their Order dt 31/3/2016v)Pensioners retired before 31/7/2007 were & are very much in the picture ,as they have been waiting & waiting for day of deliverance thro a closure to this arduous,protracted legal battle & where in all Courts pensioners only won,yet the fruits were not delivered.That Capstone is what is very much needed to brighten the proceedings,enthral the Hon Delhi HC Bench with strong case laws, legal points, discrimination galore noticed, violation of Fundamental Rights Articles 14,16 & 21 of Constitution & removal of grotesque anamolies & same statusquo Basic Pension unchanged for 23 years & pensioners in IV PC ModePlease, therefore,like splendid IPL T20 thrilling cricket matches , spur us elders by your spirited Donation for AIRIEF Legal Fundvi)Pensioners enjoying Full 100% DR post -8/1997 indeed got sizeable DR per Slab ,deprived illegitimately for pre-8/1997 pensioners & Loss of DR alone runs into several lakhs of Rs.Such pensioners are indeed in tears.Look at CPI Index 600,1148,1740, 2328,2994 & a whopping 4708 for 1/8/2012 retirees,what a grand Full Fitment of DR with Basic Pay Employees, all got & lavished fulsome praise on LIC Chairman for having got maximum benefits for all employees from niggardly Govt for OTHERS, but a BENFACTOR for their own employees & pensioners with automatic pension upgradation polished so well by 7th Pay Commn & still retaining value-added Pension of 20%,30,40, 50,100% of pension at ages 80,85,90, 95, 100, a BONANZAPlease display mercy on poor, elder, earlier pensioners. Send donations to Legal Fund ,AIRIEF for the final COUNTDOWN ,to win the case,as yet it is unassailable & demands are modest & genuine.vii)SC Order stipulates that LIC has to pay 40 % IR as per Rule 3A of Appendix IV of Pension Rules, 1995.This should be at variance with earlier ,erroneous LIC calculations for 20 % IR.LIC will invite wrath of Delhi HC & later finally SC bench too, after Delhi HC disposes of the writs of all,before 31/8/2016Friends,those who got 20 % IR has not paid any donation to AIRIEF,Even if few paid, it was too meagre.They will now get balance 20 % IR.We earnestly plead with all not to be niggardly,it is a crucial juncture,& must become a turning point in pensioners lives ,fully satisfying our legitimate twin benfits of Full 100% DR, same as for employees & pension revision after every wage revision,for which umpteen case laws are there & quoted extensively & d ecisively.If employees waited for 42 months but though delay was there considerable,final outcome of Wage settlement gladdened employees hearts, so too, we all pray with Faith & Fervour at the end of the legal race,Pensioners assuredly & deservedly win.viii) Ever so many victories with ever so many tribulations & the adamant attitude of LIC coupled with UOI/MOF negative stance& diabolic & dictatorial dictats to Institutions to deny what is legitimate to pensioners with 6/7 grades below cadres getting more than their superiors & 1st July 2015 crisp verdict by same ever-green Hon Justice Dipak Misra who pronounced such differences cannot exist . ' The question is whether inherent, apparent, or latent discrimination is our view,the short answer is that it cannot ever be permissible ' . .The principle of law,as decided by the Hon Apex Court ,is plain & simple;that a Senior Officer cannot get pension less than his Junior. If that be ,the effect of pay fixation than the pension would have to be stepped up to avoid such hostile discrimination.ix)a)You recall voice of wisdom & reason rightly uttered the truth & echoed the sentiments that ALL pensioners of all hues & colours & of ALL groups will stand to benefit once Victory embraces us ,but a Microscopic minority,very very small number only have paid Legal Fund donation & so this legal battle has drained finances,energy & a large number remained in the periphery watching the movement of the cases but not actively part with legitimate dues,which could have been easily done when substantial DR slabs all pensioners got last 2/3 years due to inflation,a small mediclaim premium refund twice done,many securing restoration of Commuted Pension,etc which can be remitted to RIEA/AIRIEF , & kept everready to honour our commitments to our Sr Counsel & many other incidental expenses. It is with this humble and pragmatic approach laced with realism, truth of the times as litigation is always prohibitive that we prayerfully approach you with a humble request.b) The Bank particulars are as follows:S B A/C No. 079 1101 205 381IFSC Code CNRB 0000 791MICR Code 5600 15060Canara Bank, 18, Cambridge Road, Halasuru,BENGALURU 560 008 NAME = A I R I E F
Please advise us by Email or by SMS immediately after depositing the amount, so that the accounting is also done simultaneously.
G Krishna Swamy, General Secretary, AIRIEF,# 212, ROHINI, Jeevan Kendra Layout,Cambridge Road, Halasuru, Bengaluru 560008Tel No.s - 080-2530 1437 & 0- 98867 97756Email ID:::embargk@gmail.comx)a)Friends, look at this paradox,when sparse miniscule pension is proposed to be stepped up with 3,2, & 1 Fitment merger of relevant DR with Basic Pension,in continuum, bring a modicum of pension parity, EVEN the Cassandras who plead for DR ONLY,even at this final stage shooting letters to LIC Chairman & meeting top management to include Full DR issue ALONE to pre-8/97 pensioners, ,are they not going to collect shining Rupees of Pension Upgradation,the Heart of the matter & even now proclaiming & blowing Trumpet & merrily pocket without accountability & responsibility& without being the cause of Victory or without being at the Centre of the problem, & more to add insult to injury collect a fabulous amount from pensioners is indeed the Height of Hypocrisy.Leave it to Rightful Owners of Theme of Pension Upgradation ,AIRIEF , Loss of Pension Chart as early as 1999,2000 ,strengthened with LIC Board Resolution 24/11/2001& LIC Secret Letter dt 31/12/2001 heralding in clear & unambiguous terms, to MOF,also mentioned in Hon SC Bench narration, " urgent need to rationalize DR structure available to different groups & also to see that different generations of pensioners are protected by merging pension to a suitable index " thus clearly confirming Board Resolution to capture full & continuous pension upgradation.Even in a battle, everything should be fair , judicious & equitable.One cannot eat the cake & have it too. How to tackle DR anamoly & discrepancy & the substantial loss of DR for ever so many years,we shall take necessary steps to convince Delhi HC with facts & figures & to eliminate downright discrimination between pre & post -8/1997 pensioners.b)In case any pensioner feels he desires to send to RIEA, Chennai,please send crossed cheque in favour of RIEA, CHENNAI,& send post to me R.B.Kishore,President, RIEA Chennai,A6,PRATIGNA, 8 (OLD 22),2nd Street, B.N.ROAD, TNAGAR,CHENNAI, 600017 .Tel No 044-2815 5810 /098403 40591. OR,Net Banking direct instant transfer to RIEA, CHENNAI,SB A/C BANK OF INDIA,USMAN ROAD,MAHALAKSHMI STREET, TNAGAR, CHENNAI,600017, A/C No . 801910100006379, NEFT/IFSC CODE : BKID0008019.Please doubly verify the A/C No, 15 digits & IFSC CODE ,1st 4 alphabets,next 7 numerals ,in all 11. We issue the receipt in 7 days time & transfer the legal fund donation after decent accumulation at regular intervals to AIRIEF Treasurer,Bengaluru.xi)Already indications are Pensioners are displaying buoyancy, of hopes & aspirations, appreciate the hard task & committed devotion of activists, individual pensioners have started sending Rs10,000,15,000, 20,000 & others must accelerate this positive trend & repose faith & confidence in AIRIEF who have always been a torch-bearer & a lighthouse for pensioners in their eternal quest for resolution of Charter of Demands,which printed Booklet of 24 pages is a testimony to AIRIEF for its activism & dynamism to followup with LIC Top Management & UOI/MOF for other pending issues, problems & grievancesAwaiting your spontaneous, sportive,liberal,generous & magnanimous donation for a just cause,R.B.KISHORE,VP,AIRIEF
Friday, 29 April 2016
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