The post in this blog by the General Secretary of the Federation of Retired Class I
Officers’ Associations by way of
e-circular today has necessitated a response as follows from me. One
characteristic feature of any circular from the Federation is that not a
circular passes without the General Secretary taking a veiled dig at another
organization. No issue as long as it provides a psychological satisfaction to
him by doing so. It is quite another matter what feelings and impact it will have on the target audience.
plan to draw up a road map for organizational expansion in unrepresented areas
by the Federation is laudable. But the reason for its need adduced by the GS is
amusing. He strongly feels that no retired officer anywhere in the country
should be misled by other quarters masquerading as the champions of retired
Class I Officers. I would like to humbly suggest that the Hon’ble GS should
look inward within his own organization and honestly evaluate whether his own
organisation’s members have not been misled. Charity begins at home. Have not
the majority of members belonging to the post-August 1997 retirees’ category
been taken for a ride by pushing the issue of upgradation to the back-burner?
Have not even the pre- August 1997
retirees received a raw deal in the matter of 40% IR by a wrong application by
LIC of
the para 3A as per the direction of the Supreme by LIC, which was not contested by the Federation at Delhi High
Court with even a token rejoinder when LIC filed a
corrected affidavit as directed by the Delhi High Court? Did a single family
pensioner receive the interim relief in terms of the Supreme Court order of
31/3/2016 or does the General Secretary think that they are not eligible to
receive interim relief?
Retired Class I Officers who have served the
Corporation for more than 3 to 4 decades are not dumb-heads who will allow
anyone else to mislead them. By virtue of their age, experience and maturity,
they are capable of independent thinking and arriving at the right conclusions
on issues placed before them. Let not the retired Class I officers be taken for
granted as gullible pensioners who can be swayed easily by misleading efforts
of others.
the above, I wish the Federation good luck in its endeavours to the extent that
they will result in benefits not only for their members, but also for the
fraternity of pensioners & family pensioners at large.
H Mahadevan
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