MARCH 19, 2017
Dear ALL LIC Pensioner colleagues & Family Pensioners,
I took some extra time to post this (Part-3) as I was traveling and collecting valuable feedback (besides ‘receiving with thanks’ some contributions for our Legal Fund as well) from many unwavering supporters of the Hyderabad Association and our efforts to serve the cause of Pensioners. We are conscious from day one that we are small in number at our own base point but ventured in to a gigantic task of trying to protect the interests of over fifty thousand pensioners. At a time when the going was tough, the players already in the field recklessly working at cross purposes, and above all, accountability being NIL not only to the target group but even to the members from whom substantial sums were collected in the name of fighting their cause.
As far as we from Hyderabad Association are concerned, as I happened to state many a time already in these columns and elsewhere, once we jumped in to the fray there was no intention or scope to look back. Up to some point, we were steered by the strength of the cause we are pursuing but very soon, we knew it was not enough.
Either by way of responding to our critics initially or sometimes with our own contribution of news and views in these columns, especially valuable write-ups by Sri C H Mahadevan, we have been trying to reach out to the Pensioners at large. We are thankful to the Blog and Sri R K Sahni, the Editor.
We now feel reassured that we have the much needed ‘reach’ even to the otherwise silent Pensioner colleagues across the country. We do count on their continued support to be able to deliver.
Coming back to the point where I left, as I suspected, no other Petitioner (Chandigarh & Hyderabad support each other) seems to be enthusiastic on any advance planning jointly to tackle the post-judgement situation. Even the veiled responses suggest they want to be on their own. They have their reasons and compulsions, fair or foul – I leave it there and it is ‘back to work’ for us from Hyderabad.
A couple of clarifications: Following the DHC Judgement, Caveat Petitions will have to be filed and it is done routinely. Any Junior or AOR will do it. They will be separate in each case for record. The common approach, if at all, comes to fore when the SLPs (hopefully by LIC and not by us) come up for hearing. ‘Coming together’ at that point of time is most critical. I will keep talking about it non-stop. Let Pensioners judge for themselves what is good for them and their cause and prevail upon their Organizations and Leaders not to function in silos. This does not mean that Hyderabad would lead and others should follow. On the other hand, ‘you take the lead; we support, assist and follow’. If you are not willing or ready, we don’t run away from our responsibility. We lead from the FRONT.
Our major ‘first move’ seeking common approach, was made as planned on 15th March 2017. The interaction was productive and extremely cordial. Outcome is awaited. On that note, I sign off for now to resume in my
WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE VERDICT……..Part 4. (on completion of my visits to Kolkata (22nd) and Chennai (25th
MARCH 19, 2017
Dear ALL LIC Pensioner colleagues & Family Pensioners,
I took some extra time to post this (Part-3) as I was traveling and collecting valuable feedback (besides ‘receiving with thanks’ some contributions for our Legal Fund as well) from many unwavering supporters of the Hyderabad Association and our efforts to serve the cause of Pensioners. We are conscious from day one that we are small in number at our own base point but ventured in to a gigantic task of trying to protect the interests of over fifty thousand pensioners. At a time when the going was tough, the players already in the field recklessly working at cross purposes, and above all, accountability being NIL not only to the target group but even to the members from whom substantial sums were collected in the name of fighting their cause.
As far as we from Hyderabad Association are concerned, as I happened to state many a time already in these columns and elsewhere, once we jumped in to the fray there was no intention or scope to look back. Up to some point, we were steered by the strength of the cause we are pursuing but very soon, we knew it was not enough.
Either by way of responding to our critics initially or sometimes with our own contribution of news and views in these columns, especially valuable write-ups by Sri C H Mahadevan, we have been trying to reach out to the Pensioners at large. We are thankful to the Blog and Sri R K Sahni, the Editor.
We now feel reassured that we have the much needed ‘reach’ even to the otherwise silent Pensioner colleagues across the country. We do count on their continued support to be able to deliver.
Coming back to the point where I left, as I suspected, no other Petitioner (Chandigarh & Hyderabad support each other) seems to be enthusiastic on any advance planning jointly to tackle the post-judgement situation. Even the veiled responses suggest they want to be on their own. They have their reasons and compulsions, fair or foul – I leave it there and it is ‘back to work’ for us from Hyderabad.
A couple of clarifications: Following the DHC Judgement, Caveat Petitions will have to be filed and it is done routinely. Any Junior or AOR will do it. They will be separate in each case for record. The common approach, if at all, comes to fore when the SLPs (hopefully by LIC and not by us) come up for hearing. ‘Coming together’ at that point of time is most critical. I will keep talking about it non-stop. Let Pensioners judge for themselves what is good for them and their cause and prevail upon their Organizations and Leaders not to function in silos. This does not mean that Hyderabad would lead and others should follow. On the other hand, ‘you take the lead; we support, assist and follow’. If you are not willing or ready, we don’t run away from our responsibility. We lead from the FRONT.
Our major ‘first move’ seeking common approach, was made as planned on 15th March 2017. The interaction was productive and extremely cordial. Outcome is awaited. On that note, I sign off for now to resume in my
WHILE WE WAIT FOR THE VERDICT……..Part 4. (on completion of my visits to Kolkata (22nd) and Chennai (25th
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