Referring to
the AIIPA circular Nos 22 & 23 /2018, I
wish to respond on some of the points raised in the said circulars.
No 22
It has been
stated that minimum pension cases will be a rarity with just 10 years of
service before superannuation and the relief provided for will almost be in a no man’s land. LIC in its
affidavit before DHC had given an illustration of such cases relating to the
cadre of sweeper. May be there will be only a small number of cases among
regular pensioners, but as the rate of family pension is very low being mostly only 15% of the last drawn basic pay drawn by the deceased employees, there may be a good
number among family pensioners drawing minimum pension especially in the Class
III & IV cadres. I have even come across a case where for a pensioner in
Class I cadre who had retired in 2003 and drawing regular pension, his spouse
was drawing a minimum basic family pension of 2330.So there may be more number
of family pensioners on minimum pension than regular pensioners.
It has been
stated by the General Secretary, “If AIIPA’s efforts had been allowed all
pre-August 1997 pensioners belonging to Class III would have drawn modified
pension with Full Neutralisation”. If I have understood it correctly, AIIPA’s
efforts-it is claimed - would have provided upgradation of pension at least on
modified parity. If it is a question of 100% neutralisation only, as all Class
III & IV employees had their basic pension less than 1250 before 1/8/1992
and 2400 before 1/8/1997, they were already enjoying 100% DR neutralisation. We
all know how LIC has been resisting upgradation of pension. I wonder how
AIIPA’s efforts would have made upgradation of pension fructify without a
If 100% DR
neutralisation had been provided to per-August 1997, Class I & II retirees,
then it would also disturb the DR formula for in-service employees upto
31/7/1997(who would have retired after 1/8/1997) who can also claim the same
benefit and demand difference of DA upto
31/7/1997.The only answer to resolving the DR anomaly for pre-August 1997
retirees is not 100% DR neutralisation, but equitable neutralisation under the
truncated DR formula for both retirees and in-service employees as has been
done from 1/8/1997 onwards.
of pension is an issue that applies to all generations of retirees.
NO 23
As regards
Circular No 23 reproducing the letter written to Chairman, it has been stated
that LIC is “morally bound to resurrect LIC Board Resolution”. I wish to
emphasize that the LIC Board Resolution was never buried, but very much alive. Even
the SC in its judgment dated 31/3/2016 has taken cognizance of the Board
Resolution, but only had stated that the recommendations had not become part of
the LIC Pension Rules on approval by the GOI. The Board Resolution is still
pending with the Central Government for a decision and it has not been
withdrawn by the LIC Board. So, there is no question of resurrection, but only
If the Board
Resolution is implemented (on approval by the Central Government) in true
letter and spirit,
1. Pre-August 1997 retirees should get upgradation of pension
from 1/8/1997;
2. Once upgradation is provided 1/8/1997, then further
upgradation should be provided for them on 1/8/2002,1/8/2007 and 1/8/2012 as
well if they are alive after such revision; If retirees are not alive, surviving
family pensioners should be entitled to upgraded family pension.
3. Once upgradation as above is allowed for pre-August 1997
retirees, the same process must happen for post-July 1997 pensioners also and
the family pensioners in the category, resulting in upgradation of all.
It has been stated in the circular that “40% of the amount
due upto August 1996 has been paid and balance due and revision of pension will
not be a great financial burden”. We must remember that the 40 % IR paid by LIC
was ordered by SC in its judgment dated 31/3/2016 and it was ordered as 40 % of
the amount payable as per para 3 A.LIC interpreted it in its own way and paid
an amount claiming it to be as per para 3A. Despite dispute, the DHC also
upheld the payment. But we must remember that DHC in its judgment has ordered
that this IR paid need not be refunded to LIC. So, there is no question of
balance 60% payable.
What DHC has ordered as part of the partial relief is the
amount of DR arrears payable to Pre-August 1997 retirees as per modified
truncated DR formula ordered in its judgment dated 27/4/2017.So the partial relief
ordered by DHC is independent of the 40% IR.
C H Mahadevan
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