ALL INDIA RETIRED INSURANCE EMPLOYEES' FEDERATION (Registration No. 500) 33, Rajaram Avenue, Tulsi Nagar, Indore - 452010 | |||
PATRON === R B Kishore, Tel.: 044-2815 5810, M.: 09840340591 | |||
PRESIDENT S. S. SAXENA A 303, Shalimar Regency, G-2, Gulmohar Colony, BHOPAL -462039 09826059506 / 0755-2725469 | WORKING PRESIDENT G. KRISHNA SWAMY 212, 'Rohini', Jeevan Kendra Lyt, Cambridge Road, Halasuru, BENGALURU – 560008 09886796657
| GENERAL SECRETARY RANJAN DEY SARKAR 33, Rajaram Avenue, Tulsi Nagar, Indore – 452010 9425965098
| TREASURER SUDHIR SETHIA 130, Sidharth Nagar, Keshar Bag Road, Indore – 452009 9827537195 |
Ref: Cir. No.002/2024-25 Date: 18 May 2024.
*All Units affiliated to AIRIEF*
This communication of mine will relate to several subjects relating to the fraternity. The recent happenings have not been too good to say for all of us particularly on the legal front. There however has been little moment of joy for seniors and super seniors which will find a mention here.
1. Our Legal Case: After admission of our petition in February this year and converting the same to a Civil appeal, the bench fixed the date 24th April 2024 when not many cases will be before them for hearing with provision of a spare day for all petitioners to submit their pleas. With the Hon'ble bench giving the date, our hopes loomed large and we impatiently awaited the case to be taken up on 24th April. Incidentally on this day, s Constitutional bench was constituted for a matter deserving priority hearing. The day ended and our case did not come before the alternate bench and remained on board for hearing on 2nd May. On this day, cases upto Sl no 105 were taken up while our case was serial no. at 111. The case remained on board for hearing but case serial 102 and 103 were cluster cases and for some technical reason, were not taken on 2nd May, were to be taken on 8th May and likely to consume time when it would be taken up by the bench. Earlier, Adv Mr RK Singh informed on 3rd May that no cause list for 8th May would be circulated while our case would be on board. Later Mr RK Singh based on his enquiry from the Registrar informed Shri SS Saxena that due to frequent changes in the bench and not many working days left, the case would come for hearing after vacation in July 2024. We have of late seen the Hon'ble Court at work and have to believe we've become victim of the judicial system but nevertheless, we will continue to fight until justice is clinched.
2. Exgratia payment : With the recent wage revision to in service employees, a proposal was sent to the DFS for payment of EG amount to pensioners, the number of which initially was circulated to be 30000. This created confusion and room for number of queries who were the ones not falling in this. However when the notification of wage revision was released, the DFS
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approved payment of EG to pensioners aged 70 yrs and above as on 7.5.2024 causing
frustration to those pensioners aged between 60 and 70 yrs of age. The EG was not
demanded by us but we welcome the gesture of Corporation. We being Joint Front partner with 2 other Association and Shri MP Agnihotri ji being it's Convenor, we have submitted a memorandum to Chairperson with copy to MD and ED(P) demanding EG to those pensioners also aged < 70 yrs. His attention has also been drawn towards our discussions and demands on various Pensioner's matters submitted to Shri Satpal Bhanoo, Managing Director on 9th Feb. 2024.
3. Levy on Ex Gratia payment : On this, the matter was placed before the AIRIEF's OBs social media group where mixed opinions were received for the reason that senior and super seniors donot receive pension enough to sustain a respectful living and it will not be justified to demand levy from the lump sum amount they are going to receive. However, it is left to the respective RIEAs to decide and AIRIEF isolates itself from such demand
4. XIIth Gen.Council Meeting at Asansol :The EC meeting held at Bhopal in December 2023 had unanimously resolved the GC meet to be hosted by RIEA, Asansol at Asansol from 9th to 12th Nov. 2024 (9th and 12th being arrival and departure dates respectively) notice of which will be given in due course of time to facilitate Delegates/Observers to plan their journey. The units are requested to extend all cooperation to the hosts in soliciting donation through coupons and advertisements for souvenir proposed to be released.
5. Zonal Council Meeting : All Zonal units are advised to hold their meeting by 15th September 2024. The Units may hold their GB meet before the Zonal Council meet. The Zonal Council may hold physical or Zoom meet, is left to them to decide. The ZC are requested to submit an estimate of expenses and obtain sanction of the amount, if physical meeting is resolved to be held.
6. PST list: Our Working President Shri G. Krishnaswami has updated the PST list upto 9.3.2024. This list is also available with Shri Ashok Srivastava, Convenor (IT/Statistics).The affiliated units are requested to communicate name of Office Bearers (PST only) to him directly if there is a change post elections on his mail id ** (0 is numeric) which would facilitate him to update.
7. Affiliation fee: As on date, 30 units have deposited the AF. Units are advised to deposit/transfer the fee in question before 30th June 2024.
8. Varishtha Vaani : The house magazine's readership is increasing day by day concurrent with printing cost shooting high. The Chief Editor, VV has time and again been giving a call to the units to donate Rs.1000/- towards sponsoring a page. This year so far, Rs. 22000/- has been received. This gesture will certainly reduce financial strain on AIRIEF's exchequer.
9. Other: a) Our Treasurer has more than once posted a list of open entries but remitting unit is not communicated as a result of which it is not appropriated. Pl follow the social media groups where such entries are posted.
b) Recently, I've received a communication from AIIPA Pensioners Assn. Gen Secretary Shri M. Kunhikrishnan, Calicut expressing need for building a joint forum on common Pensioners' matter. I am yet to reply and confirm to him of our willingness or otherwise but not without making things clear stat of level play status without any feeling of being different as all classes of retirees are same once they retire.
The nation is now into the last 3 phases of election and I am sure all of us have done the democratic duty of exercising franchise. By the time it is time for another communication is sent, the new govt. will be in place.
Until then, wish you and your family members well.
General Secretary
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