Regn No.PN 4769 (Regd under Indian T U Act, 1926)
(Affiliated to Bharateeya Mazdoor Sangh)
BMS Office, Vishwakarma Bhavan, 185, Shaniwar Peth, Pune 411030.
President: T.C. Gunesh Kumar Working President: Vilas V. Purkar General Secretary: Ashok J. Joshi
Mob No: 9880683639 Mob No: 9922166599 Mob No: 9561084182 & 9945104570
Date: 11-09-2023
Welcome to NOIP
➢ NOIP was born in 2004, affiliated to Bhrateeya Mazdoor Sangh, a nationalistic, Number One
Central rade Union.
➢ In fact, we were late in entering pensioners' field though the Pension Rules were notified in
➢ It is a bare fact that pensioners join multiple associations of pensioners and hence majority
pensioners are having multitude membership.
➢ It Is also a grave fact that pensioners have to fend for themselves because the associations of inservice employees seldom take up the issues related to pensioners. As pensioners do not have
any power to fight out the issues with the management/GOI, it is a dire necessity to have
continuous liaison with both and keep them apprised about the burning issues, concerning
➢ As such, NOIP believes that perfect liaison only would bring remedy to our problems. NOIP,
though a nascent organization, has become the hope of pensioners through its vibrancy and it is
unique for the following reasons-
➢ It is the first pensioners' organization to submit the Charter of Demands for pensioners in 2004
and has been insisting LIC to call us also for negotiations.
➢ Meets LIC's top officials in CO (MD/ EDP/ Chairperson) at least 3-4 times in a year for follow-up
of pending issues. Pune being NOIP's HQs, we have easy access to CO.
➢ This is not the case with other associations and they hardly meet LIC's top officials even once in
a year.
• NOIP is instrumental in;
➢ Getting one more option to opt for mediclaim
➢ Inclusion of parents and parents-in-laws in medicalim scheme after employee's retirement
➢ Cashless hospitalization for all in-patient admissions
➢ 75% subsidy in mediclaim premium for pensioners too
➢ Increase in SA coverage etc.
➢ Since many were left out from the Mediclaim cover NOIP had been following up for one more
option (second time) and also demanding the option to those who have resigned from service
including those resigned on health grounds.
➢ We also took up agitational campaign by sending mails to Chairperson from 19th August to 7th
September 2023.
➢ As a result, LIC issued circular on 1-9-2023 giving one more option to join Mediclaim scheme.
But again, VRS optees and resignees were not given option. We are pursuing the matter.
• NOIP studies the issues in all details and hence pursuing some anomalies to be set right like;
• Computation of basic pension, insisting 50% of last basic pension drawn as basic pension
• Retirement in the same month if DOB is first of the month, etc.
• We are happy to inform that due to the continuous follow-up with LIC for more than 10 years,
LIC has referred the computation of pension at 50% last basic drawn (whichever is beneficial to
the retiring employee) to the GOI for consideration along with other pension related issues.
• NOIP had been following up regularly with the LIC/DFS for;
➢ Granting flat 30% of basic pay as family pension
➢ Full pension after 20 years of service
➢ Increased pension for pensioners aged 80 and above
➢ 100% DA neutralization of pre 8/1997 retirees
➢ Up gradation of basic pension with every wage revision, etc.
➢ We are happy to inform that due to the continuous follow-up with LIC/DFS for more than 10
years, DFS issued the gazette notification on 11-09-2023, enhancing the family pension to 30%
of last basic drawn, without any ceiling.
• NOIP was the first organization to demand Group Insurance Scheme to pensioners and right
from 2015, strongly making out a case of existence of Insurable Interest for pensioners.
➢ We are happy that LIC extended the GIS to pensioners but unfortunately stipulated a cutoff date
as 1-4-2018.
➢ NOIP is pursuing the matter with LIC insisting to offer GIS to all the pensioners irrespective of
date of retirement.
• The demand of one more option for pension (OMOP) was hanging in air since 1996.
➢ NOIP had been building pressure through BMS on the DFS (Dept of Financial Services) especially
after the NDA Govt came to power in 2014. Due to the efforts of BMS, Late Shri.Jaitleyji, the
then FM approved the demand and it was notified in April 2019. More than 42000 PF optees
both in Life and General Insurance industry exercised the pension option and are drawing
monthly pension now from 1-12-2019.
➢ On our continuous follow-up with LIC, OMOP matter is re-referred to DFS recommending
allowing the option to Ex-Servicemen and direct recruit engineers in Engineering Dept recruited
in 1996-97 and favourable response is awaited through notification.
➢ 8) NOIP has been following up with DFS for the resolution of other issues related to pension
including –
➢ Updation with every wage revision, Full pension for 20 years,
➢ One more pension option to left over ex-servicemen and directly recruited Superintending
engineers etc.
• NOIP has been demanding cash medical allowance to cope up with monthly medical expenses.
• NOIP is the only organization to fully digitize its operations, right from enrolment of members
up to reconciliation of its accounts. Within 2-3 minutes, enrolment process, online would be
completed and within seconds digital receipt is sent to the member.
• Regular communication to members through emails, whatsapp, sms etc giving real time
communication (we are appreciated by one and all for our continuous communications).
• Meeting Ministers/officials of Finance Ministry at regular intervals
• NOIP is not in competition with any union/association of pensioners, but the platform is utilized
to cater to the different needs of pensioners and family pensioners including Mediclaim related
issues with a service motto.
In view of the above, we urge upon you to join NOIP to strengthen the organisation and to inspire us
more in the services of the pensioners at large irrespective of their union affiliations.
With greetings,
Yours Brotherly,
General Secretary
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