COURT NO.4 SECTION XIV-A S U P R E M E C O U R T O F I N D I A RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS Civil Appeal No(s).3465/2024 ALL INDIA INSURANCE PENSIONERS ASSOCIATION THR. ITS PRESIDENT & ORS. VERSUS Appellant(s) UNION OF INDIA & ORS. Respondent(s) Date : 21-01-2025 This appeal was mentioned today. CORAM : HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE HRISHIKESH ROY HON'BLE MR. JUSTICE S.V.N. BHATTI For Appellant(s) : Mr. Mullapudi Rambabu, Adv. Ms. Mahima Panday, Adv. M/S. M. Rambabu And Co., AOR (mentioned by) For Respondent(s) : Ms. Alka Agarwal, Adv. Mr. Raj Bahadur Yadav, AOR Mr. R. Chandrachud, AOR Mr. D. Venkata Krishna, Adv. UPON being mentioned, the Court made the following O R D E R As mentioned by the counsel for the appellant(s), list the matter in the 3rd week of August 2025.
The Hon'ble bench today while disposing the mention application for an early hearing of our case by a constituent petitioner, ordered the case to be listed in the 3rd week of August 2025.
Detailed Circular would follow.
-Ranjan Dey Sarkar
General Secretary
Date: 22.1.2025
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