From: Shri R B Kishore
Dear All LIC Pensioners friends,
1)U are all aware of the
hectic efforts I am putting in last few months on a few important pending
issues affecting pensioners.There has been a realisation that more energetic
& empathetic considerations must enter & engage serious attention of
the powers that be.In this context, it is admirable that LIC CO has done
tremendous lot of dialogues with LIC COOS which earlier used to be the
stumbling block.
2)We are glad to inform
that CO has approved mediclaim premium deductions in 12 Monthly instalments
commencing from April 2016, ensuing FY
Our joy knows no bounds,
as now there is uniformity & above all, pensioneres going out of the books
of Risk Cover under FFPolicy mediclaim ,so useful with high OSum Assured can be
protected & kept intact
Nevertheless we appeal
to all pensioners to take stock of the situation,look to pension amount
credited & ensure all goes well as far as mediclaim premium deduction is
It is a Signal victory
for AIRIEF as we passed a resolution at Bluru GC Meeting & abovell handed
over the resolutions to Chairman, MDs, EDP, Chief P & others &
consistently followed up
3)I passed on my
NYGreetings to EDP & Chief P & congratulated them for breaking the
barrier & proved to them ,when there is a will, there is a way & above
all, when the request is genuine & affects entire Pensioners Fraternity,CO
must assist pensioners & find positive & favourable solutions
4)While we rejoice at
this good development, I have insisted that Pensioners Portal will solve many
issues of pensioners & so pleaded with them to exert pressure on external
agency to hasten & complete the process
I emphasised that we are
the ONLY class not having this facility & so, all the more CO must
introduce Portal sooner
5)U must have by now
gone thro AIRIEF GS Circular dt 30 dec 2015, also inserted immediately in our
website wherein our President Sri SSSaxena & other OBs meet at Bhopal with
LIC Chairman & pensing issues discussed which also resulted in this pending
issue with Note to Chairman by CO Per Dept
Greetings again for a
Happy,Healthy,Prosperous New Year to one & all of you