Saturday, 16 January 2016


1)It is well-known that Lots can be done thro jotted, planned ,well-thought out Strategy & with ONE VOICE SR COUNSELS  MUST DRIVE HOME THESE DATA, TO BE USED & not FRITTERED AWAY  

A)i)Just enough reference  to LIC Board Resolution, that much & no more : MOU dt 14/1/1994 between LIC & Unions clearly  reveals  ‘’SAME DR FOR PENSIONERS ,AS SAME DA  FOR EMPLOYEES’, whereas pre-8/1997 pensioners DR is halved

ii)Look at DR per slab difference Rs0.93 to 11.50 for pre-8/97 now after 8/2007 wage revision rising to a whopping Rs 6.37 to Rs 29.25 from Asst to ED cadre .Now 5 Groups of pensioners corresponding to Wage Charter period ,till 1/8/2007,DR payment discriminatory to EACH GROUP is a flagrant violation of Agreed Conclusions.With New wage Notification, it still widens further
 iii) KERALA HC ,Chandrasekar Menon T  Vs UOI & Ors: ‘ the object of compensation & neutralization is completely defeated by payment of DR after reducing slab at all stages. DR at decreasing slab at all stages is UNJUST & UNREASONABLE ‘
 iv)How can any progressive organization bind future employees & pensioners to a limited agreement & more so with illegalities & insufficiencies & adverse repercussions on pensioners disturbing  terribly & upsetting  the concept of EQUALITY ?
The retired employees are being treated unequally in as much as several classes have come up amongst the one class of retired employees (pensioners ),this mini-classification itself  is violative of Articles 14 & 16.No law permits creation of different classes amongst one class.

 v)The Minutes of the 492nd Meeting of LIC of India held on 24/11/2001 at 11.30am, at Hotel Le Meridian ,New Delhi ,states in HeadingAmendment to LIC of India (Employees)Pension Rules 1995---“UPGRADING of Basic Pension to AICIPI 1740 Points and 100% DA neutralization thereon in respect of Retirees prior to 01/08/1997.”
“examining the proposals as per Board Note in line with the demands made by the Federation viz. giving effect to the proposals from 01.11.1993  and upgradation by giving weightage of 11.25%  as in the case of  inservice  employees,

vi) As the cost implication is not much, it is suggested that we may accede to this demand & upgrade the pension payable in relation to AICPI 600 points & 1148 points respectively by merging the Dearness Relief payable upto the level of 1740 points. On the pension so upgraded, Dearness Relief of 0.23% shall be paid over every 4 points rise or fall from 1740 points.’

           vii)) During  current concluded wage talks,which final scales,allowances & other benefits etc of Charter  to Employees  in proper form has gone from LIC for Notification ,& now received,LIC Management has conceded that they are prepared to consider 2nd Pension Option for leftout employees. Suffice it to say , while preparing the Note to Board,it was mentioned that at any rate, 2nd Pension Option is too costly & prohibitive,then costing Rs500cr & so cannot be considered but for Pension Upgradation,”cost implication is not much” & so ,thereafter only LIC Board Resolution dt 24/11/2001 came into being

B)Submissions for PENSION UPGRADATION :i) LIC in its SECRET Letter dt 31/12/2001,secured under RTI ,stressed the  ‘need to rationalize the DR structure available to different groups of pensioners in order to reduce the administrative  inconvenience & also to see that  different   generations of pensioners are protected by merging the pension to a suitable index.’—,also reminded  MOF/UOI on 12/8/2003 ,so successive pension revisions at CPIndex 600,1148, 1740, 2328,2994

ii)This clinches the issue of successive  pension  revisions with  every  wage  revision.It has a  vital bearing  on continued  pension upgradation.

iii)Nakara  SC  5-JudgeConstitution Bench Verdict,Magna Carta for Pensioners : don’t introduce arbitrary criteria, don’t divide homogeneous pensioners class
As such pension should be fixed, revised, modified & changed in ways ,not entirely dissimilar to the salaries granted to serving employees

              iv)Hon Sr Judge Late Sri V.R.Krishna Iyer:  arbitrarily alienated from the beneficial stream of pensioners, LIC pensioners are one integral group, what is discriminatory is arbitrary & what is arbitrary is unconstitutional ’
v)THE DOUBLE-DECKER BENEFIT or REVISION IN CHAIN  or  perhaps who KNOWS Hon Justice Dipak Misra’s   ‘ IN CONTINUUM’ & issues like ‘ENHANCEMENT OF PENSION’ in the 7TH MAY 2015  INTERIM ORDER of  SC BENCH  seems to suggest as an OPENING to finalise the concept soon.
vi)Pensioners get such secondary treatment when we find, we got perhaps a Sweepers or Peons or RCs or  Asst’s  Commuted value. Even Commuted pension after 8/2002 is higher than Basic Pension of pre-8/97 pensioners
Look at the fabulous CV,Bottom to Top,Sweeper to ED. How much damage to all earlier Pensioners’ Groups as we go along.

vii)THIS IS NOT A REVELATION  but  A  TRITE  FACT.TODAYS ASSISTANT  gets  a GRATUITY  of  Rs 10 LACS.(Wow, 7th Pay Commission bonanza Rs 20 lacs) .TODAY’S  ASSISTANT  gets  a  GROSS SALARY—BASIC +DA of  Rs52,327.ASST RETIRED on 30/9/2013 gets  PF OF Rs 7.52 LACS of  LIC CONTRIBUTION ALONE.TODAYS ASST  gets PENSION OF Rs 21,447 .This shall further go up happily after Notification is implemented soon.
 viii)RETIREMENT BENEFITS from  ASST to  ED is nowadays  colossal. Pittance of Retirement benefits comprising Commuted value of Pension, Gratuity & PL Encashment eg. Group II Pensioners(1/8/92-31/7/97) ranges from Rs3,94,450 for Asst  to Rs7,72,985 for ED  as against , Rs 13,63,381 for Asst to Rs31,38,057 for ED,for Group V,(1/8/2007—31/7/2012) indicating  such a     colossal difference of Rs9,68,931 to Rs23,65,072 for Asst to ED between Group II & Group V Pensioners.Where is the question of investing,for Earlier Groups of Pensioners, when they were leading hand to mouth existence,& Today Employees can Save & Save & also Invest & Invest !!
ix))Further,Basic Pension & DR  at Asst level for Group II pensioners is Rs 15,088pm & ranges to Rs 24,282 pm  for ED, & Rs 20,882 pm for Asst  to Rs59,371 for ED,for Group V, indicating yet again, the magnitude of difference/deficit  of Rs 5794pm for Asst to Rs35,089pm  for ED.   WHITHER  EQUITY & JUSTICE, SC BENCH MUST ENSURE THE CITADELS OF JUSTICE,so SACRED & SACROSANCT , should not be allowed to fall.  What more graphic picture is required, presented by these  painstaking preparations & calculations, to impress the Hon SC Bench on 20/1/2016 with true but poignant picture of grotesque anamolies & handicaps, of the dire need to redress the mounting loss of pension consecutively for years & decades since Retirement, ONLY through pension revision with every wage revision.        
  x)It must be pointed out that  substantial Retirement Benefits present day pensioners get such as Gratuity Rs 10 lacs, Encashment of PL,CV OF PENSION, GSLI, Decent PF accumulations etc,(7th Pay Commission Gratuity Rs20 lacs !!)     whereas,
---many daily disabilities & expenses on all items,high inflation, &
                --- especially medical Domiciliary outlay,including Consultation,Special Reports, medicines etc  pretty high for Pensioners,
xi)Basic criteria  is grant of similar pension for all those with same length of service for the same cadre  & that is violated. It is an anachronism that LIC pensioners still continue in pre-1995 IV Pay Commission mode with Basic Pension Same,unchanged for 22 years from 1/11/1993 !
Just to cite after New Wage Notification is implemented,tentatively, taking Cadre ADM,as at 31/1/2016,the Difference or Loss in Total Pension including DR for the 5 Groups of pensioners will be ,taking into account Maximum Scales of Basic Pay,Rs 27,891, 27047, 20882, 14642, Rs7063 & similarly,for DM in the same manner Loss in Total Pension including DR will be,Rs31,859,30,985,23,812, 18,250, & Rs7726 respectively.We should not disturb the quick remedy  as a permanent solution by way of specific order on Twin Benefits by introducing any NEW Element,likely to be taken advantage of by LIC, UOI & any act causing needless extra delay should be cautiously& sagaciously ,studiously & strategically be avoided at any cost,please.

xii) Sr Counsel must mount assertive  onslaught with full conviction , must neutralize any risk or threat posed by their Counsels &  also, by ably portraying Fundamental Rights violation ,Human rights violation too as Elders & Sr Citizens,Pension as a Property right, and to end hostile discrimination in both Differential,Truncated DR & 7/8 steps below cadres getting more  pension than Seniors & Superiors, thus paving the way for Remedy & Rectification through Pension Upgradation & with  correct Retrospective Effective dates for DR & Pension upgradation too.
C) Extracts from Hon SJB Bhandari’s Judgement  dt 12/1/2010 to confirm that TWIN Benefits of Full DR & pension revision with successive wage revision conspicuously figure so elaborately :
i)The legal position in that regard is quite clear. In view of the catena of judgments of the Hon'ble Apex Court, if there is a change in the benefit of existing pensioners, change has to be made effective to all without a cut off date inasmuch as cut off date in such cases are held to be arbitrary.
ii)In view of the several judgments of the Hon'ble Apex Court, issue regarding  cut off date for providing pensionary benefits can be summarized in the following manner:-
i)If there are change in benefit of pension then no cut off date can be provided. The benefit on account of change in pensionary benefits would have retrospective effect.
(ii) If the pension is introduced for the first time, a cut off date can be fixed.
“Aforesaid issue has been settled by the Hon'ble Apex Court in various judgments cited by learned counsel for petitioners.
                   iii) In the light of the aforesaid, if the facts of this case are looked into, then it becomes clear that amongst the pensioners there exists discrimination more specifically when the pension has been made admissible to the employees who retired on or after 1.1.1986 ”
 iv) While dismissing the appeal of LIC on 21/1/2011, the HC Division Bench of Jaipur observed as follows: The Board of LIC, who is the appellant before us against the judgment of the learned Single Judge, had itself taken a decision to remove the disparities and the discrimination with regard to the payment of Dearness Allowance and Pension to the retired employees under its resolution of the Board dt. 24.11.2001. It could not and should not have filed the present appeal against the judgment of the learned Single Judge as the learned Single Judge has provided an umbrella to the appellant for the implementation of the decision of the Board dt. 24.11.2001 on the categorical statement made by the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the Union of India and not assailed in appeal by the Union of India.”
v)Not too great stress on Hon Bhandaris ,tho we have to moderately  stress only Select pieces  out of those 4 pages of SJ Jaipur reasoning,(only his order MAY & NOT MUST,many mistake to be a weak suggestion ) though  HC & SC have powers to issue Mandamus to State Govt, UOI  & others
D) i) SC Bench on 17/10/2012  issued a clarificatory order re. the amount due to the pensioners ie writ petitioners wef  the date of their eligibility to get retiral benefits. Difference in Pension & DR is what is referred to & that  from the date of retirement.

 ii)Such anomalies were there in Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules also. Those were resolved through OM without challenging or modifying the Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules. On the same lines, our grievances can also be resolved without challenging / modifying the pension rules. LIC is doing so in case of the retirees who retire after the date from which a wage revision is effective but not covered by the wage revision notification.
                iii)Our purpose will be wellserved ,if while opposing the respective  CA, Sr Counsel takes absolute care & abundant precaution  to protect the benefits secured so far through various Courts ,based on principal  Jaipur HC Verdict,& make that Final & Binding  by getting LIC CAs rejected.
iv)Latest Court  cases like Patna HC scintillating verdict dt 18/5/2015 with copious Quotes from earlier SC judgements ,
            v) MASTERLY  VERDICT by 5 JUDGE BENCH OF Hon RMLodha compelled UOI to GRANT BENEFITS to  GOVT EMPLOYEES  from 1/1/2006, NOT 15/9/2012,as was being demanded by MOF/UOI
vi)SC 1st July 2015 verdict by Hon Dipak Misra & Sapre,  earlier
vii)7th Pay Commission recommendation developments & offshoots

E)Benefit to Petitioners Only or ALL Pensioners :
i)There appears to be an unnecessary apprehension & doubt whether the FINAL VERDICT will cover only Petitioners & not embrace ALL Pensioners. SC always upholds concept of universal application , whenever the grievance  or anamoly is extensive & adversely affects the Whole Group in similar situation.The APEX Court has extended application of the  judgement to ALL SIMILARLY PLACED Pensioners.That was explicitly made clear in Gratuity case of 2008 &
Delhi HC Judgement  applying Jaipur judgement ‘ in rem ’ .
  ii)SC Judgement under Case No Appeal( Civil)No1289/2007 (Para 25) which read “the revision of scales of pay as also other allowances is technical in nature. When a benefit is extended to group of employees  the effect of  such benefit ,if otherwise comes within the purview  thereof, must be held to be applicable to other  groups of employees ”  & the Jaipur HC judgement was in tune with this Apex Court verdict              

            iii)The following observations of Hon’ble SC in a path-breaking  judgement is quite  apt
“Rajeshwar Singh Vs. Subrata Roy Sahara & Ors.
[Contempt Petition (Civil) No.224 of 2011]
[Civil Appeal No.10660 of 2010]
K.S. Radhakrishnan, J.
Courts, if they are to serve the cause of justice, must have the power to secure obedience to its orders to prevent interference with the proceedings and to protect the reputation of the legal system, its components and its personnel,who on its behest carry on a court monitored investigation. The court is duty bound to protect the dignity and authority of this Court, at any cost, or else, the entire administration of justice will crumble and law and order would be a casualty.
............................J. (G.S. Singhvi)
............................J. (K.S. Radhakrishnan)
New Delhi,
December 9, 2013.”

F) i)So too, less emphasis on Sec 48 tho after outlining the Comprehensive consultations with ALL UNIONS, then only Pension Rules ,1995 came into being & within that ambit LIC Chairman is entrusted with powers.
               Many examples of Gold Coin, PLLI, Midday Meals Coupon can be cited
SC Bench can issue Mandamus to LIC & UOI to implement with clearcut Orders & Directions.

 ii) True transparent Corporate governance to prevail.LIC Board Members must be the harbingers of neutral, unbiased decision. MOF Circular dt 5 January 2015  gives  full freedom to PSBs/Financial instns/Insce companies on commercial decisions & personnel matters & assures non-interference in clear terms.

iii) Recently,Govt ,after due consideration at various levels & also at the highest ,decided that where in Courts,core point or principle in dispute is decided by HC/SC ,when 2 levels of Judicial intervention has already taken place no further Appeal should be done so that fruits of justice reach the litigant without much delay. 
Govt also gave assurance that National Litigation Policy will be implemented in letter & spirit

   G)i)OUTLAY  also if reference comes, ALWAYS mention only PER ANNUM Rs 160cr & not Gross Outlay,
                  ii)LIC wonderful ,superlative performance, a Jewel in the Crown,Rock of Gibralter, Economic TajMahal,
 Staggering Assets of Rs17,69,192cr & Total Life Fund Rs 16,07,025cr  as at 31/3/2014. For 2014-15,Total Assets  Rs20,31,116cr .Total Life Fund Rs 18,24,195 cr
 LIC Total Investments in FY2014 –15 was Rs12,86,770 cr. LIC Investments in Social Sector stood at Rs2,26,806 cr in 2014—15,
iii) policy payments Rs 1,46,026 cr in 2014-15, which outwits Premium Income of ALL private insurance companies put together
Peoples Money for peoples Welfare, befitting  LIC  Motto, tremendous fillip to Govt 5-Year Plans.  LIC solvency & stability is unquestionable
          iv)For FY 2014—15,   LIC  TPI (Total Premium Income )stood atRs 2,39,483 cr ,Total Income  Rs4,07,546 cr
Total Expenses of Management,2013-14, Rs34,447 cr,showing a rise of 9.4%
LIC paid advance IT of Rs5119 cr as against Rs4324cr for FY 2012-13
Service tax paid is Rs4022.4 cr ,provisional ,as against Rs3682.6 cr for FY2012-13
v)SURPLUS  Last 16 yrs alone,LIC paid to Govt crossed Rs 10,000 cr ,a Kamadhenu indeed, & all on a mere Rs5cr given by Govt on 1/9/1956.  For FY 2014-15, LIC handed over  a handsome  cheque to Govt, a solid sum of Rs1804 crores
   vi) Sri Arun Jaitley,  FM ,when he visited  “Yogakshema”  on  9th January, 2015, observed,  ‘the Country depends on LIC  to a great extent. LIC is a Role Model of how a state sector instrument can,while maintaining  arm’s length distance,take prudent commercial decisions and LIC has done exceedingly well.The Market is going to be more competitive and the ‘Best of LIC’ is yet to come .’
 Grace & magnanimity is required to honour fully in letter & spirit, the Court judgements , one by one, all in Pensioners favour.

vii) Total number  of pensioners stood  at 38,200 in 2006-07,38434 in 2007-08 & 43,043 in 2010-11, &  49,058  in 2013-14.It is  less than 2000 pensioners only per Year added  All India, app 250  per Zone.Pre-8/1997 cannot be 20,000 or more, as in that case,from 1997 –2015,nearly36,000 pensioners would have been added,making it 56,000 , which is not the case,as even now the data stands at less than 50,000 Total pensioners ,including post 8/2007 pensioners
viii) TOTAL PENSION PAYMENTS RIGHT from  1995-96 to 31/3/2011 for 16 long years  comes to Rs 3707.84 Cr only . PENSION PAYMENTS for ALL 45,476 PENSIONERS  for 1 YEAR period ending  31/3/2012 is only Rs585.41Cr ie Rs10,728PM on an  AVERAGE, very small AMOUNT .This rose  to Rs793 cr for 2013-14 ,but for 49,058  pensioners, ie Rs13,470pm ONLY.
ix)Looked at from another angle of Pension Bill to Premium Income, a Good Dependable Index or Pointer,  how favourable  LIC  Pension payments to TPI-Total Premium Income , it was 0.37 % in 2012-13 &0.33 % in 2013-14. If  we work out in relation to Total Income including Investment Income which TI  itself rose by 18 % in 2013-14,the ratio will be MINISCULE ;it is a mere 0.21 %  conveying strong POINTERS  to the SC Bench to be convinced to grant & allow Pension Upgradation & therefore, TWIN BENEFITS which we know we are cocksure we have to SECURE with unassailable points umpteen in our favour ,with a series of brilliant successes in 3 Courts & clarifications & protection by eminent SC Bench, indeed NO STAY order, a crucial one in pensioners favour,  but that OPPORTUNE TIME or MOMENT has arrived on Wednesday 20 JANUARY, 2016. The dice is in our favour ,undisturbed & clear-cut,whether it is 1 sitting or 2.

x)Salary  & other benefits to Employees in LIC  stood at Rs 11,895cr for 2012-13 & Rs14,705 cr for 2013-14. Pension payments for 2012-13 is a mere 6.6% of Salary expenses & for 2013-14,it was even lower at 5.4%.
   I just added this enhanced outlay Rs160 cr to Rs793 cr pension payments for  2013-14,yet for 49,058 pensioners ,it works out to Rs1,92,221 pa or Rs 16,018 pm.
  xi)Outlay is not even the tail of wage agreement PLLI   or  tail of Meal coupon wef 1/9/2010 for employees, or  tail of allowances other than usual DA,HRA, CCA. Moreso, Pensioners deserve such kindness & empathy more abundantly.
xii)CG Pension Expenditure for 2015-16 is estimated to be a whopping Rs88,521cr.
                For CG Employees, Salary bill alone is Rs1,00,619 cr , we know it is a skyhigh number, yet.
                 The  rising  Pension  bill of  CGovt  will hit Rs1.12 lakh crores in 2017-18  almost  touching  CG Salary bill  of  2016-17  of Rs1.16 lakh crores  with 7th Pay Commission impact.
 If  10% DR RISE for  GOVT EMPLOYEES cost  Rs 10.869 cr , IMAGINE the  COST OF PENSION UPGRADATION  for them.
xiii)There are HC & SC judgements emphasizing that ‘ this dichotomy or discrimination neither appeals to reason,   nor can the State  be permitted to take shelter of financial constraint etc ' . Even if SC normally does not attach much store & importance to Capacity to pay, as SC has said in many verdicts  & even admonished Govt & Instns  pretending to protect themselves under the garb of no adequate resource or financial position ,not able to pay
xiv)Sri Arun Jaitley  FMs utterances in 46TH Indian Labour Conference ,succinct & meaningful,where he said ,those institutions which are profitable & doing well can afford to pay higher rewards to labour & if processes make Govt richer, Govt too can afford to help labour as much as Govt wants to do as also social security--true to his word, employees & pensioners of LIC, therefore,richly deserve fair,liberal construction of benefits ,more so for Retirees,Elders & Sr Citizens.
xv))All these pucca data,so clear drive home that our demands are modest,genuine & legitimate & will enable SC Bench to size up & dismiss LIC contention of a burden,

H)  i)GOVT REGULAR PENSION  is   far far  HIGHER  for COMPARATIVE CADRES, Many are not aware that even  Govt  Family Pension  is higher than LIC Regular pension.
ii)For CG, the linkage of full pension with 33 years of service has been scrapped. 
             The maximum service length for full pension would now be 20 years.
iii)The new rules also add more flexibility in retirement benefits. For instance, those who are due to retire can now get 40% of their pension commuted and get a lump sum amount in turn.
iv)Maximum Pension for CG  is a whopping Rs52,200 plus DR as against V PC maximum Rs33,075. FP as 30% of Basic Pay will shoot up to Rs21,000 plus DR.7th PC pension definition, stage to stage & fitment formula with weightage for increments shall bestow  sizeable Pension increase for them.
v) Fine 6th PC PRAGMATIC Empathetic formula of value-added pension, so well appreciated by all pensioners of Govt , the graded rise in pension at AGES  80.85,90,95,100 , by 20% ,30,40,50,& 100%,which we don’t enjoy.


EFFECTIVE DATE must be  CLEARLY GIVEN  in  VERDICT.  For DR to pre8/1997 pensioners, wef 1/11/1993 or Date of Retirement, whichever is later,

ii)CAPSTONE IS  from 7th PC as MORE CLARITY ON DEFINITION & FITMENT IN NEW SCALES EXACTLY WHERE OLDER PENSIONER WASquoting examples of refixation of pension from  earlier 6th PC not only takes care of stage to stage fixing, multiplication factor 2.57  like Fitment weightage we are talking about &  adds 3% for EACH increment drawn in that cadre at the time of Retirement, benefit  can easily be discerned. Hats off to 7th PC for Methodolgies 1 & 2 & whichever shows higher can be granted
LOOKS TO BE LOGICAL,COHERENT  .This 3 % looks like our so-called 11.25% Fitment weightage !! for another RISE in Pension after PROPER FITMENT.    

  iii)Simply put,there cannot be a 1st class treatment for some & a 3rd  class treatment for others  similarly  circumstanced,Factors affecting daily life & living are the same & so solutions also should be in similar  directions.In fact, it applies with greater force for insurance pensioners as insurance RP is far less than Govt RP & ,in fact,Govt FP is higher than insurance  RP itself . We cry for the poor state of FP in insurance industry, LIC Basic FP ranges ,after death of RP is, for Asst to ED pre-8/1992, pre 8/1997, pre8/2002, pre8/2007, to a woeful ,pittance of Rs572—1050,1100—2100,1349—3450 & 2048 ---5260 plus DR

J) EMOTIONAL APPEAL,as in Hon Dipak Misras Tamil Nadu Jallikattu ban  needed .Many aged 70/75/80/85 years, PLUS 15,500 have  DIED making  FAMILY PENSIONERS  rise  18% to 37 % of Regular Pensioners !     Who will wipe the tears of the widow ? Delay, dither, Adjournments galore,slow pace of Sittings,long rope to LIC, UOI     .In fact, penalty by way of interest  for delay,as ordered in Chandigarh HC order must be insisted upon.

K ) Sad & Sickening STORY of Pensioners harassment, cost unbearable, SC Bench:U be the Judge !
It is disturbing that Pensioners should be treated so bad & from 6676/ 1998writ on DR  to 24/11/ 2001 LIC Board Resolution  to 654/2007writ on Pension Upgradation  to 12/1/2010 Hon SJ Jaipur judgement admitting Both Writs to  dismissal of LIC Appeal493 & 494/2010 by DB Jaipur HC  on 21/1/2011 to dismissal of LIC Review Petition 86 & 87/2011 by DB Jaipur HC on 19/8/2011 to SC Bench clarificatory Order 17/10/2012,amending their vague Order dt 14/11.2011 ,to Punjab & Haryana HC Order 9/11/2012 adding 12 % interest for delay,  to Delhi HC Order 30/1/2013  affirming Jaipur verdict & adding “in rem’ to all Pensioners, to LIC SLPs 29956 & 29957 dismissed on 8/8/2013 to 30/9/2013 when SC Bench issued NO STAY Order  on  Hon SJ verdict 12/1/2010 & allied matters  ,condonation of LIC inordinate  delay of 6 months 14 days by SC Bench resulting in new Avatar of CAs 8959—8962/2013   to 25/3/2015 ,SC Bench hearing of CAs to 8/4/2015, to Interim Order dt 7/5/2015 giving 6 weeks time to pay 20%  of impugned HC judgement, delay by LIC, to CGH CCP on 20 July & again  to 27th July 2015,Hon HC ordering hearing on 7th Oct 2015,as admittedly the case is linked with SC hearing on 23 Sep,2015, to   IA in respect of Punjab & Haryana HC in SC ,hearing on 7th Sep,2015 SC Bench ordering LIC to pay to CGH Petitioners interim 20% within a fortnight failing which LIC authority faces contempt before SC & after dingdong finally CGH has given date 27 Jan 2016 for CCP

Further,after pension upgradation is granted after wage revision,
i)subsequent fitments to the next group,after wage revision, will consume  a moderate outlay only.
 ii)Deaths of employees during service & so Family Pension  only
iii)Deaths of pensioners, increasing by leaps & bounds
iv)pensioners not alive to secure Commuted Pension 15 yrs after retirement,a savings for LIC,
v)See the rising numbers of Family Pensioners, 17 % to 36% to RP & in some Zones ,even 38/40%
 vi)so parity also tapers off,
 vii)NPS wef 1/5/2010 hence all new recruits of the last 5 yrs  and further recruitments in future WILL NOT COME  UNDER THE PURVIEW OF PENSION UP-GRADATION   makes this upgradation pensioners cadre slowly a closed one.
viii)Hence after 2-3  decades, there will be huge balance in the Pension Fund, but the number of pensioners availing pension from this fund will be diminishing sharply and finally will become zero.
ix) Consequently, the remaining balance of this fund will be finally transferred to  LIC’s capital.”
M)UOI  ROLE to be CRITICISED POIGNANTLY :It is paradoxical & even anachronism  to say, on the one hand ,Govt from rooftops praise Elders & Sr Citizens for their signal service & contribution to institutions & society, lays down many norms with All India Sr Citizens Confederation , but when the question of satisfying & redressing the problems of Pensioners ,which are genuine, modest & legitimate,ignore them with a cavalier attitude & above all, driving them to legal recourse & remedies consuming enormous time, labour, energy & finances,without even an iota of empathy for them & the 1000s who have died in the  interrugnum.
N)  SC ROLE :Hon Courts must come to the rescue of pensioners who after being driven pillar to post ,with untold expenditure, unwarranted treatment. agony, anxiety & frustration writ large on their faces resort to litigation not  by choice, but by compulsion as all other avenue approaches failed, here too delays, unwanted adjournments for long solicited by instns have adverse impact on delivery of justice . SC Bench  must honour the dignity & prestige of Elders with a Specific Order in an unqualified manner with no qualifying clause to enable pensioners to experience justice,equity & timeliness.
We know with how much impunity Govt functions & even delays & delays till Strictures are passed again by SC .

 i)After such a relentless& stupendous  effort & successive victory at all stages,waiting for eternity 14 years & more,  What we are pleading  to Hon SC Bench is to effectuate meaningful implementation of the judgements & also, in that direction, to issue orders to UOI & LIC  to operationalise & implement both Full 100% DR to Pre-8/97 Pensioners & pension revision with successive wage revisions for all groups of pensioners to enable all to come under one homogeneous group of pensioners, without pre &post labels & to establish equity & equality

ii)OBJECTIVE & GOAL must be a  DECISIVE WIN with SPECIFIC EFFECTIVE DATES & ORDER SPECIFYING DEADLINE OF SAY 8/10 WEEKS & NOT TO TAKE LIC or MOF easy,to ENSURE ACTION TAKEN REPORT EVERY 2 WEEKS or so.This DDay 20/1/2016 is a DO or DIE situation,a NOW or NEVER  situation, ASSERTIVE,FORCEFUL pleas,REPARTEES Convincing, LEGAL ACUMEN & JUDICIAL WISDOM  can easily DISLODGE the Opponent, Powerful,Mighty LIC, UOI ,ASSORTED FACTS & FIGURES  all in Pensioners favour abounding aplenty, MOMENT of TRUTH, Entire Pensioners Fraternity  waiting with bated breath. Let Sr Counsel ensure CRYSTAL CLARITY in SC Bench Judgement,with NO ELUSIVENESS or VAGUENESS, a benumbed Pensioner community shall be hardhit then,God forbid .

P) The self-imposed assignment, in spite of uncertain,not so good health, warned by Cardio to close my shop at 11pm sharp & an alert & warning by  Retd MD,Sri GChidambar that 1 am , 2 am working non-stop , is absolutely risky ,coming true, yesterday 130am,today additions/deletions/finishing touches ,for Grouping under Various Headings for Sri Asthana,Sr Counsel & Others,  has also to be done on time for activists,other pensioners  to go through ,digest & atleast have some solace & comfort.  Rest ,we leave it to the laps of God
Like Sankranthi, let there be a POSITIVE TRANSITION to ALL PENSIONERS.
Like the DAWN of New Month Thai,let all MISERIES be MITIGATED