man bought a Lie detector robot. Every time the robot detects a lie, it
slaps the liar. He decided to test it at dinner on his son, who he
suspected of often lying to him.
DAD: Son where were you today during school hours?
SON: At school (robot slaps son) ouch! Okay okay I went to the movies!
DAD: Which one? SON: Harry Potter (robot slaps son again). Ow! Okay, jeez - I was watching an adult movie, okay?
DAD: What?? When I was your age I didn’t even know those existed! (robot slaps Dad)
MOM: Hahaha! He is your son after all!
The Robot slaps the mother.
DAD: Son where were you today during school hours?
SON: At school (robot slaps son) ouch! Okay okay I went to the movies!
DAD: Which one? SON: Harry Potter (robot slaps son again). Ow! Okay, jeez - I was watching an adult movie, okay?
DAD: What?? When I was your age I didn’t even know those existed! (robot slaps Dad)
MOM: Hahaha! He is your son after all!
The Robot slaps the mother.